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Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia Society
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia

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Towards a truly unified model of AGN: Aspect, accretion and evolution

M Dopita
14(3) pp.230 - 245

13 articles found in Crossref database.

What Physics Drives the Unified Model?
A. Dopita Michael
Symposium - International Astronomical Union. 1999 194 p.199
Dopita Michael A., Shastri Prajval, Davies Rebecca, Kewley Lisa, Hampton Elise, Scharwächter Julia, Sutherland Ralph, Kharb Preeti, Jose Jessy, Bhatt Harish, Ramya S., Jin Chichuan, Banfield Julie, Zaw Ingyin, Juneau Stéphanie, James Bethan, Srivastava Shweta
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 2015 217(1). p.12
Probing the Dusty Accretion Torus of Seyfert Galaxies
Dopita Michael A., Heisler Charlene, Lumsden Stuart, Bailey Jeremy
The Astrophysical Journal. 1998 498(2). p.570
S7 : Probing the physics of Seyfert Galaxies through their ENLR & HII Regions
Dopita Michael A., Shastri Prajval, Scharwächter Julia, Kewley Lisa J., Davies Rebecca, Sutherland Ralph, Kharb Preeti, Jose Jessy, Bhatt Harish, Ramya S., Hampton Elise, Jin Chichuan, Banfield Julie, Zaw Ingyin, Srivastava Shweta, James Bethan
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. 2014 10(S309). p.200
X-ray polarization measurement of the gold standard of radio-quiet active galactic nuclei: NGC 1068
Marin F., Marinucci A., Laurenti M., Kim D. E., Barnouin T., Di Marco A., Ursini F., Bianchi S., Ravi S., Marshall H. L., Matt G., Chen C.-T., Gianolli V. E., Ingram A., Middei R., Maksym W. P., Panagiotou C., Podgorny J., Puccetti S., Ratheesh A., Tombesi F., Agudo I., Antonelli L. A., Bachetti M., Baldini L., Baumgartner W., Bellazzini R., Bongiorno S., Bonino R., Brez A., Bucciantini N., Capitanio F., Castellano S., Cavazzuti E., Ciprini S., Costa E., De Rosa A., Del Monte E., Di Gesu L., Di Lalla N., Donnarumma I., Doroshenko V., Dovčiak M., Ehlert S., Enoto T., Evangelista Y., Fabiani S., Ferrazzoli R., Garcia J., Gunji S., Heyl J., Iwakiri W., Jorstad S., Kaaret P., Karas V., Kislat F., Kitaguchi T., Kolodziejczak J., Krawczynski H., La Monaca F., Latronico L., Liodakis I., Madejski G., Maldera S., Manfreda A., Marscher A., Massaro F., Mitsuishi I., Mizuno T., Muleri F., Negro M., Ng S., O’Dell S., Omodei N., Oppedisano C., Papitto A., Pavlov G., Perri M., Pesce-Rollins M., Petrucci P.-O., Pilia M., Possenti A., Poutanen J., Ramsey B., Rankin J., Roberts O., Romani R., Sgrò C., Slane P., Soffitta P., Spandre G., Swartz D., Tamagawa T., Tavecchio F., Taverna R., Tawara Y., Tennant A., Thomas N., Trois A., Tsygankov S., Turolla R., Vink J., Weisskopf M., Wu K., Xie F., Zane S.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2024 689 p.A238
Probing the physics of narrow-line regions of Seyfert galaxies
Dopita Michael A., Scharwächter Julia, Shastri Prajval, Kewley Lisa J., Davies Rebecca, Sutherland Ralph, Kharb Preeti, Jose Jessy, Hampton Elise, Jin Chichuan, Banfield Julie, Basurah Hassan, Fischer Sebastian
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2014 566 p.A41
Accretion and Nuclear Activity of Quiescent Supermassive Black Holes. II. Optical Study and Interpretation
Soria R., Graham Alister W., Fabbiano G., Baldi A., Elvis M., Jerjen H., Pellegrini S., Siemiginowska A.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2006 640(1). p.143
Orientation and Evolutionary Effects in Active Galactic Nuclei
Heisler Charlene A.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia. 1998 15(2). p.167
The Nature of the Diffuse Clumps and the X‐Ray Companion of Markarian 273
Xia X.‐Y., Mao S., Wu H., Liu X.‐W., Gao Y., Deng Z.‐G., Zou Z.‐L.
The Astrophysical Journal. 1999 524(2). p.746
The Role of Gas in the Merging of Massive Black Holes in Galactic Nuclei. II. Black Hole Merging in a Nuclear Gas Disk
Escala Andres, Larson Richard B., Coppi Paolo S., Mardones Diego
The Astrophysical Journal. 2005 630(1). p.152
Is IRAS 01072+4954 a True-Seyfert 2?
Valencia-S. M., Zuther J., Eckart A., García-Marín M., Iserlohe C., Wright G.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2012 544 p.A129
What do Quasars Look Like?
Francis Paul J.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia. 2001 18(2). p.176
On multi-nuclei features of some Markarian galaxies
Khachikian E., Ter-Kazarian G., Sargsyan L., Yerknapetyan K., Terzian Y.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2006 368(1). p.461
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