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Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia Society
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia

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Auroral Contribution to Sky Brightness for Optical Astronomy on the Antarctic Plateau

J. T. Dempsey, A. Phillips and J. W. V. Storey
22(2) pp.91 - 104

17 articles found in Crossref database.

ASTEP South: an Antarctic Search for Transiting ExoPlanets around the celestial south pole
Crouzet N., Guillot T., Agabi A., Rivet J.-P., Bondoux E., Challita Z., Fanteï-Caujolle Y., Fressin F., Mékarnia D., Schmider F.-X., Valbousquet F., Blazit A., Bonhomme S., Abe L., Daban J.-B., Gouvret C., Fruth T., Rauer H., Erikson A., Barbieri M., Aigrain S., Pont F.
Astronomy and Astrophysics. 2010 511 p.A36
The Pale Green Dot: A Method to Characterize Proxima Centauri b Using Exo-Aurorae
Luger Rodrigo, Lustig-Yaeger Jacob, Fleming David P., Tilley Matt A., Agol Eric, Meadows Victoria S., Deitrick Russell, Barnes Rory
The Astrophysical Journal. 2017 837(1). p.63
Airglow and Aurorae at Dome A, Antarctica
Sims Geoff, Ashley Michael C. B., Cui Xiangqun, Everett Jon R., Feng LongLong, Gong Xuefei, Hengst Shane, Hu Zhongwen, Lawrence Jon S., Luong-Van Daniel M., Moore Anna M., Riddle Reed, Shang Zhaohui, Storey John W. V., Tothill Nick, Travouillon Tony, Wang Lifan, Yang Huigen, Yang Ji, Zhou Xu, Zhu Zhenxi
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 2012 124(916). p.637
The best site on Earth?
Saunders W., Lawrence J.S., Storey J.W.V., Ashley M.C.B., Kato S., Minnis P., Winker D.M., Liu G., Kulesa C.
EAS Publications Series. 2010 40 p.89
Accuracy in starphotometry
Ivănescu Liviu, Baibakov Konstantin, O'Neill Norman T., Blanchet Jean-Pierre, Schulz Karl-Heinz
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 2021 14(10). p.6561
Dome C's Atmospheric Conditions: Implications for Astronomy
Lawrence J.S., Ashley M.C.B., Burton M.G., Storey J.W.V.
Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics. 2007 31(2). p.221
Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes as a potential veto array for neutrino astronomy
Rysewyk D., Lennarz D., DeYoung T., Auffenberg J., Schaufel M., Bretz T., Wiebusch C., Nisa M.U.
Astroparticle Physics. 2020 117 p.102417
The History of Astrophysics in Antarctica
Indermuehle Balthasar T., Burton Michael G., Maddison Sarah T.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia. 2005 22(2). p.73
Transition probabilities for NII 2p4f–2p3d and 2s2p23d–2s2p23p obtained by a semiclassical method
Xiao-Zhi Shen, Ping Yuan, Hua-Ming Zhang, Jie Wang
Chinese Physics. 2007 16(10). p.2934
A Review of Optical Sky Brightness and Extinction at Dome C, Antarctica
Kenyon S. L., Storey J. W. V.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 2006 118(841). p.489
Science Programs for a 2-m Class Telescope at Dome C, Antarctica: PILOT, the Pathfinder for an International Large Optical Telescope
Burton M. G., Lawrence J. S., Ashley M. C. B., Bailey J. A., Blake C., Bedding T. R., Bland-Hawthorn J., Bond I. A., Glazebrook K., Hidas M. G., Lewis G., Longmore S. N., Maddison S. T., Mattila S., Minier V., Ryder S. D., Sharp R., Smith C. H., Storey J. W. V., Tinney C. G., Tuthill P., Walsh A. J., Walsh W., Whiting M., Wong T., Woods D., Yock P. C. M.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia. 2005 22(3). p.199
Field optimization and CCD data simulation for the antarctic International Concordia Explorer Telescope (ICE‐T)
Fügner D., Fuhrmann C., Strassmeier K.G.
Astronomische Nachrichten. 2009 330(4). p.330
Zou Hu, Zhou Xu, Jiang Zhaoji, Ashley M. C. B., Cui Xiangqun, Feng Longlong, Gong Xuefei, Hu Jingyao, Kulesa C. A., Lawrence J. S., Liu Genrong, Luong-Van D. M., Ma Jun, Moore A. M., Pennypacker C. R., Qin Weijia, Shang Zhaohui, Storey J. W. V., Sun Bo, Travouillon T., Walker C. K., Wang Jiali, Wang Lifan, Wu Jianghua, Wu Zhenyu, Xia Lirong, Yan Jun, Yang Ji, Yang Huigen, Yao Yongqiang, Yuan Xiangyan, York D. G., Zhang Zhanhai, Zhu Zhenxi
The Astronomical Journal. 2010 140(2). p.602
The French-Italian Concordia Station
Mekarnia Djamel, Frenot Yves
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. 2012 8(S288). p.178
Astronomy in Antarctica
Burton Michael G.
The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review. 2010 18(4). p.417
Electric-dipole allowed (E1) and forbidden (E2, M1 and M2) transition probabilities of 4f for N+
Xiao-Zhi Shen, Ping Yuan, Juan Liu
Chinese Physics B. 2010 19(5). p.053101
Transiting planet candidates with ASTEP 400 at Dome C, Antarctica
Mékarnia D., Guillot T., Rivet J.-P., Schmider F.-X., Abe L., Gonçalves I., Agabi A., Crouzet N., Fruth T., Barbieri M., Bayliss D. D. R., Zhou G., Aristidi E., Szulagyi J., Daban J.-B., Fanteï-Caujolle Y., Gouvret C., Erikson A., Rauer H., Bouchy F., Gerakis J., Bouchez G.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2016 463(1). p.45
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