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Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia

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Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays

R. J. Protheroe and R. W. Clay
21(1) pp.1 - 22

48 articles found in Crossref database.

Constraining Low-luminosity Gamma-Ray Bursts as Ultra-high-energy Cosmic Ray Sources Using GRB 060218 as a Proxy
Samuelsson Filip, Bégué Damien, Ryde Felix, Pe’er Asaf, Murase Kohta
The Astrophysical Journal. 2020 902(2). p.148
The mysteries of the highest energy cosmic rays
Kovesi-Domokos S., Domokos G.
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements. 2006 151(1). p.38
LUNASKA experiment observational limits on UHE neutrinos from Centaurus A and the Galactic Centre
James C. W., Protheroe R. J., Ekers R. D., Alvarez-Muñiz J., McFadden R. A., Phillips C. J., Roberts P., Bray J. D.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2011 410(2). p.885
Is the High-energy Neutrino Event IceCube-200530A Associated with a Hydrogen-rich Superluminous Supernova?
Pitik Tetyana, Tamborra Irene, Angus Charlotte R., Auchettl Katie
The Astrophysical Journal. 2022 929(2). p.163
Experimental results: an update
Engel Ralph, Klages Hans
Comptes Rendus. Physique. 2004 5(4). p.505
Ultra-high energy cosmic rays from a finite number of point sources
Kachelrieß M., Semikoz D.
Astroparticle Physics. 2005 23(5). p.486
Neutrino Emission from Luminous Fast Blue Optical Transients
Guarini Ersilia, Tamborra Irene, Margutti Raffaella
The Astrophysical Journal. 2022 935(2). p.157
Very-high-energy emission from M 82
Persic M., Rephaeli Y., Arieli Y.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2008 486(1). p.143
Photon propagation and the very high energy γ-ray spectra of blazars: how transparent is the Universe?
De Angelis A., Mansutti O., Persic M., Roncadelli M.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters. 2009 394(1). p.L21
Prospects for radio detection of ultra-high energy cosmic rays and neutrinos
Falcke H., Gorham P., Protheroe R.J.
New Astronomy Reviews. 2004 48(11-12). p.1487
M 87 as a misaligned synchrotron-proton blazar
Reimer A., Protheroe R. J., Donea A.-C.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2004 419(1). p.89
Characterization of the atmospheric temperature and moisture conditions above Dome C (Antarctica) during austral summer and fall months
Tomasi Claudio, Petkov Boyan, Benedetti Elena, Vitale Vito, Pellegrini Andrea, Dargaud Guillaume, De Silvestri Lorenzo, Grigioni Paolo, Fossat Eric, Roth William L., Valenziano Luca
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2006 111(D20).
The Limited Contribution of Low- and High-luminosity Gamma-Ray Bursts to Ultra-high-energy Cosmic Rays
Samuelsson Filip, Bégué Damien, Ryde Felix, Pe’er Asaf
The Astrophysical Journal. 2019 876(2). p.93
Massaro F., Paggi A., Cavaliere A.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2011 742(2). p.L32
Verification of the diffusive shock acceleration in Mrk 501
Zheng Y G, Long G B, Yang C Y, Bai J M
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2018 478(3). p.3855
Optimized trigger for ultra-high-energy cosmic-ray and neutrino observations with the low frequency radio array
Singh K., Mevius M., Scholten O., Anderson J.M., van Ardenne A., Arts M., Avruch M., Asgekar A., Bell M., Bennema P., Bentum M., Bernadi G., Best P., Boonstra A.-J., Bregman J., van de Brink R., Broekema C., Brouw W., Brueggen M., Buitink S., Butcher H., van Cappellen W., Ciardi B., Coolen A., Damstra S., Dettmar R., van Diepen G., Dijkstra K., Donker P., Doorduin A., Drost M., van Duin A., Eisloeffel J., Falcke H., Garrett M., Gerbers M., Grießmeier J.-M., Grit T., Gruppen P., Gunst A., van Haarlem M., Hoeft M., Holties H., Hörandel J., Horneffer L.A., Huijgen A., James C., de Jong A., Kant D., Kooistra E., Koopman Y., Koopmans L., Kuper G., Lambropoulos P., van Leeuwen J., Loose M., Maat P., Mallary C., McFadden R., Meulman H., Mol J.-D., Morawietz J., Mulder E., Munk H., Nieuwenhuis L., Nijboer R., Norden M.J., Noordam J., Overeem R., Paas H., Pandey V.N., Pandey-Pommier M., Pizzo R., Polatidis A., Reich W., de Reijer J., Renting A., Riemers P., Roettgering H., Romein J., Roosjen J., Ruiter M., Schoenmakers A., Schoonderbeek G., Sluman J., Smirnov O., Stappers B., Steinmetz M., Stiepel H., Stuurwold K., Tagger M., Tang Y., ter Veen S., Vermeulen R., de Vos M., Vogt C., van der Wal E., Weggemans H., Wijnholds S., Wise M., Wucknitz O., Yattawatta S., van Zwieten J.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2012 664(1). p.171
Multi-band implications of external-IC flares
Richter Stephan, Spanier Felix
Astroparticle Physics. 2015 61 p.102
A hadronic origin for ultra-high-frequency-peaked BL Lac objects
Cerruti M., Zech A., Boisson C., Inoue S.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2015 448(1). p.910
Richter S., Spanier F.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2016 829(1). p.56
LUNASKA experiments using the Australia Telescope Compact Array to search for ultrahigh energy neutrinos and develop technology for the lunar Cherenkov technique
James C. W., Ekers R. D., Álvarez-Muñiz J., Bray J. D., McFadden R. A., Phillips C. J., Protheroe R. J., Roberts P.
Physical Review D. 2010 81(4).
On the Minimum Jet Power of TeV BL Lac Objects in the p–γ Model
Xue Rui, Liu Ruo-Yu, Wang Xiang-Yu, Yan Huirong, Böttcher Markus
The Astrophysical Journal. 2019 871(1). p.81
Kushwaha Pankaj, Singh K. P., Sahayanathan Sunder
The Astrophysical Journal. 2014 796(1). p.61
The Multi-Messenger Approach to High-Energy Gamma-Ray Sources (2007)
Rieger Frank M., Bosch-Ramon Valentí, Duffy Peter
Intercluster magnetic fields and ultra high energy cosmic rays
Arjomand H., Fatemi S.J., Clay R.
Serbian Astronomical Journal. 2010 (181). p.39
Neutrino cross sections at HERA and beyond
Reno Mary Hall
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements. 2006 151(1). p.255
High-energy emission from the starburst galaxy NGC 253
Rephaeli Yoel, Arieli Yinon, Persic Massimo
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2010 401(1). p.473
Two components model for TeV $\gamma $-ray emission from extreme high-energy BL Lac objects
Dong Q., Zheng Y. G., Yang C. Y.
Astrophysics and Space Science. 2021 366(4).
Origin of ultra-high energy cosmic rays in the era of Auger and Telescope Array
Inoue S
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2008 120(6). p.062001
Radio synchrotron emission from secondary electrons in interaction-powered supernovae
Petropoulou M., Kamble A., Sironi L.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2016 460(1). p.44
Fermi acceleration in astrophysical jets
Rieger Frank M., Bosch-Ramon Valentí, Duffy Peter
Astrophysics and Space Science. 2007 309(1-4). p.119
Cosmic-ray energy densities in star-forming galaxies
Persic Massimo, Rephaeli Yoel, Morselli A., Capone A., Rodriguez Fernandez G.
EPJ Web of Conferences. 2017 136 p.02008
Cosmic Rays in Star-Forming Environments (2013)
Rephaeli Yoel, Persic Massimo
Temporal and spectral study of PKS B1222 + 216 flares in 2014
Chatterjee Anshu, Roy Abhradeep, Sarkar Arkadipta, Chitnis Varsha R
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2021 508(2). p.1986
Optically informed searches of high-energy neutrinos from interaction-powered supernovae
Pitik Tetyana, Tamborra Irene, Lincetto Massimiliano, Franckowiak Anna
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2023 524(3). p.3366
High energy particles from young supernovae: gamma-ray and neutrino connections
Sarmah Prantik, Chakraborty Sovan, Tamborra Irene, Auchettl Katie
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2022 2022(08). p.011
Transients stemming from collapsing massive stars: The missing pieces to advance joint observations of photons and high-energy neutrinos
Guarini Ersilia, Tamborra Irene, Margutti Raffaella, Ramirez-Ruiz Enrico
Physical Review D. 2023 108(8).
Centaurus A at Ultra-High Energies
Clay Roger W., Whelan Benjamin J., Edwards Philip G.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia. 2010 27(4). p.439
A Two-zone Model for Blazar Emission: Implications for TXS 0506+056 and the Neutrino Event IceCube-170922A
Xue Rui, Liu Ruo-Yu, Petropoulou Maria, Oikonomou Foteini, Wang Ze-Rui, Wang Kai, Wang Xiang-Yu
The Astrophysical Journal. 2019 886(1). p.23
AGN neutrino flux estimates for a realistic hybrid model
Richter S., Spanier F.
Astroparticle Physics. 2018 100 p.61
Monitoring of the radio galaxy M 87 during a low-emission state from 2012 to 2015 with MAGIC
Acciari V A, Ansoldi S, Antonelli L A, Arbet Engels A, Arcaro C, Baack D, Babić A, Banerjee B, Bangale P, Barres de Almeida U, Barrio J A, Becerra González J, Bednarek W, Bellizzi L, Bernardini E, Berti A, Besenrieder J, Bhattacharyya W, Bigongiari C, Biland A, Blanch O, Bonnoli G, Bošnjak Ž, Busetto G, Carosi R, Ceribella G, Chai Y, Chilingaryan A, Cikota S, Colak S M, Colin U, Colombo E, Contreras J L, Cortina J, Covino S, D’Elia V, Da Vela P, Dazzi F, De Angelis A, De Lotto B, Delfino M, Delgado J, Depaoli D, Di Pierro F, Di Venere L, Do Souto Espiñeira E, Dominis Prester D, Donini A, Dorner D, Doro M, Elsaesser D, Fallah Ramazani V, Fattorini A, Fernández-Barral A, Ferrara G, Fidalgo D, Foffano L, Fonseca M V, Font L, Fruck C, Fukami S, García López R J, Garczarczyk M, Gasparyan S, Gaug M, Giglietto N, Giordano F, Godinović N, Green D, Guberman D, Hadasch D, Hahn A, Herrera J, Hoang J, Hrupec D, Hütten M, Inada T, Inoue S, Ishio K, Iwamura Y, Jouvin L, Kerszberg D, Kubo H, Kushida J, Lamastra A, Lelas D, Leone F, Lindfors E, Lombardi S, Longo F, López M, López-Coto R, López-Oramas A, Loporchio S, Machado de Oliveira Fraga B, Maggio C, Majumdar P, Makariev M, Mallamaci M, Maneva G, Manganaro M, Mannheim K, Maraschi L, Mariotti M, Martínez M, Masuda S, Mazin D, Mićanović S, Miceli D, Minev M, Miranda J M, Mirzoyan R, Molina E, Moralejo A, Morcuende D, Moreno V, Moretti E, Munar-Adrover P, Neustroev V, Nigro C, Nilsson K, Ninci D, Nishijima K, Noda K, Nogués L, Nöthe M, Nozaki S, Paiano S, Palacio J, Palatiello M, Paneque D, Paoletti R, Paredes J M, Peñil P, Peresano M, Persic M, Prada Moroni P G, Prandini E, Puljak I, Rhode W, Ribó M, Rico J, Righi C, Rugliancich A, Saha L, Sahakyan N, Saito T, Sakurai S, Satalecka K, Schmidt K, Schweizer T, Sitarek J, Šnidarić I, Sobczynska D, Somero A, Stamerra A, Strom D, Strzys M, Suda Y, Surić T, Takahashi M, Tavecchio F, Temnikov P, Terzić T, Teshima M, Torres-Albà N, Tosti L, Tsujimoto S, Vagelli V, van Scherpenberg J, Vanzo G, Acosta M Vazquez, Vigorito C F, Vitale V, Vovk I, Will M, Zarić D, Asano Collaborators: K, Hada K, Harris D E, Giroletti M, Jermak H E, Madrid J P, Massaro F, Richter S, Spanier F, Steele I A, Walker R C
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2020 492(4). p.5354
Cosmic rays from the knee to the highest energies
Blümer Johannes, Engel Ralph, Hörandel Jörg R.
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics. 2009 63(2). p.293
Reconciling the ultra-high energy cosmic ray spectrum with Fermi shock acceleration
Kachelrieß M., Semikoz D.V.
Physics Letters B. 2006 634(2-3). p.143
The radio morphology of a spatially resolved SSC model
Richter Stephan, Spanier Felix, Gómez José L.
EPJ Web of Conferences. 2013 61 p.05010
Science with ASKAP
Johnston S., Taylor R., Bailes M., Bartel N., Baugh C., Bietenholz M., Blake C., Braun R., Brown J., Chatterjee S., Darling J., Deller A., Dodson R., Edwards P., Ekers R., Ellingsen S., Feain I., Gaensler B., Haverkorn M., Hobbs G., Hopkins A., Jackson C., James C., Joncas G., Kaspi V., Kilborn V., Koribalski B., Kothes R., Landecker T., Lenc A., Lovell J., Macquart J.-P., Manchester R., Matthews D., McClure-Griffiths N., Norris R., Pen U.-L., Phillips C., Power C., Protheroe R., Sadler E., Schmidt B., Stairs I., Staveley-Smith L., Stil J., Tingay S., Tzioumis A., Walker M., Wall J., Wolleben M.
Experimental Astronomy. 2008 22(3). p.151
Fossil AGN jets as ultrahigh-energy particle accelerators
Benford Gregory, Protheroe R. J.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2007 383(2). p.663
The sensitivity of the next generation of lunar Cherenkov observations to UHE neutrinos and cosmic rays
James C.W., Protheroe R.J.
Astroparticle Physics. 2009 30(6). p.318
Hadronuclear interpretation of the possible neutrino emission from PKS B1424-418, GB6 J1040+0617 and PKS 1502+106
Wang Ze-Rui, Xue Rui
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 2021 21(12). p.305
Formation of the Electronic Spectrum in Relativistic Jets of Gamma-Ray Blazars
Zheng Y. G., Long G. B., Yang C. Y., Bai J. M.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 2018 130(990). p.083001
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