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Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia

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Proper Motions in Compact Symmetric Objects

A. G. Polatidis and J. E. Conway
20(1) pp.69 - 74

146 articles found in Crossref database.

A hard X-ray view of giga-hertz peaked spectrum radio galaxies
Guainazzi M., Siemiginowska A., Stanghellini C., Grandi P., Piconcelli E., Azubike Ugwoke C.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2006 446(1). p.87
Multi-epoch VLBA observations of radio galaxy 0932+075: is this a compact symmetric object?
Marecki Andrzej, Sokołowska Aleksandra
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2014 569 p.A22
Kunert-Bajraszewska Magdalena, Janiuk Agnieszka
The Astrophysical Journal. 2011 736(2). p.125
H i absorption towards nearby compact radio sources
Chandola Yogesh, Sirothia S. K., Saikia D. J.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2011 418(3). p.1787
The X-ray high-energy cutoff in compact symmetric object Mrk 348
Liao Mai, Wang Junxian, Kang Jialai, Li Xiaofeng, Zhou Minhua
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2024 528(2). p.2742
The X-ray properties of young radio-loud AGN
Vink J., Snellen I., Mack K.-H., Schilizzi R.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2006 367(3). p.928
European VLBI network observations of fourteen GHz-peaked-spectrum radio sources at 5 GHz
Xiang L., Reynolds C., Strom R. G., Dallacasa D.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2006 454(3). p.729
Investigating powerful jets in radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1s
Orienti M., D'Ammando F., Larsson J., Finke J., Giroletti M., Dallacasa D., Isacsson T., Stoby Hoglund J.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2015 453(4). p.4038
A method for estimating the dynamical age of FR II-type radio sources from multi-frequency data
Machalski J., Chyży K. T., Stawarz Ł., Kozieł D.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2007 462(1). p.43
VLBI images at 327 MHz of compact steep spectrum and GHz-peaked spectrum sources from the 3C and PW samples
Dallacasa D, Orienti M, Fanti C, Fanti R
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2021 504(2). p.2312
Complete identification of the Parkes half-Jansky sample of GHz peaked spectrum radio galaxies
de Vries N., Snellen I. A. G., Schilizzi R. T., Lehnert M. D., Bremer M. N.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2007 464(3). p.879
VLBA images of high frequency peakers
Orienti M., Dallacasa D., Tinti S., Stanghellini C.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2006 450(3). p.959
Radio AGN in the local universe: unification, triggering and evolution
Tadhunter Clive
The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review. 2016 24(1).
Tzioumis A. K., Tingay S. J., Stansby B., Reynolds J. E., Phillips C. J., Amy S. W., Edwards P. G., Bowen M. A., Leach M. R., Kesteven M. J., Chung Y., Stevens J., Forsyth A. R., Gulyaev S., Natusch T., Macquart J.-P., Reynolds C., Wayth R. B., Bignall H. E., Hotan A., Hotan C., Godfrey L., Ellingsen S., Dickey J., Blanchard J., Lovell J. E. J.
The Astronomical Journal. 2010 140(5). p.1506
uGMRT HI 21-cm absorption observations of two extremely inverted spectrum sources
Mhaskey Mukul, Paul Surajit, Gupta Neeraj, Mukherjee Dipanjan, Gopal-Krishna
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2020 643 p.A174
Compact sources in the Bologna Complete Sample: high-resolution VLA observations and optical data
Liuzzo E., Buttiglione S., Giovannini G., Giroletti M., Capetti A., Taylor G. B.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2013 550 p.A76
Connecting the radio AGN life cycle to feedback
Kukreti Pranav, Morganti Raffaella
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2024 690 p.A140
Radio galaxies and feedback from AGN jets
Hardcastle M.J., Croston J.H.
New Astronomy Reviews. 2020 88 p.101539
An Tao, Wu Fang, Yang Jun, Taylor Gregory B., Hong Xiaoyu, Baan Willem A., Liu Xiang, Wang Min, Zhang Hongbo, Wang Weihua, Chen Xi, Cui Lang, Hao Longfei, Zhu Xinying
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 2012 198(1). p.5
Samples and statistics of CSS and GPS sources
Giroletti M., Polatidis A.
Astronomische Nachrichten. 2009 330(2-3). p.193
GPS and CSS radio sources
Malumian V. H.
Astrophysics. 2009 52(4). p.494
VLBI observations of nineteen GHz-peaked-spectrum radio sources at 1.6 GHz
Liu X., Cui L., Luo W.-F., Shi W.-Z., Song H.-G.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2007 470(1). p.97
Araya E. D., Rodríguez C., Pihlström Y., Taylor G. B., Tremblay S., Vermeulen R. C.
The Astronomical Journal. 2010 139(1). p.17
A two-sided but significantly beamed jet in the supercritical accretion quasar IRAS F11119+3257
Yang Jun, Paragi Zsolt, An Tao, Baan Willem A, Mohan Prashanth, Liu Xiang
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2020 494(2). p.1744
The radio core of the ultraluminous infrared galaxy F00183−7111: watching the birth of a quasar
Norris Ray P., Lenc Emil, Roy Alan L., Spoon Henrik
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2012 422(2). p.1453
Expanding Radio Lobe associated with 3C 84
Asada Keiichi, Inoue Makoto, Nagai Hiroshi, Kameno Seiji
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. 2018 14(S342). p.220
Polarimetry of Compact Symmetric Objects
Gugliucci N. E., Taylor G. B., Peck A. B., Giroletti M.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2007 661(1). p.78
Transverse motions in CSOs?
Stanghellini C., Dallacasa D., Venturi T., An T., Hong X.Y.
Astronomische Nachrichten. 2009 330(2-3). p.153
Spectral index properties of milliJansky radio sources
Randall K. E., Hopkins A. M., Norris R. P., Zinn P.-C., Middelberg E., Mao M. Y., Sharp R. G.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2012 421(2). p.1644
Radio galaxies in cooling core clusters. Renewed activity in the nucleus of 3C 317?
Venturi T., Dallacasa D., Stefanachi F.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2004 422(2). p.515
Atomic hydrogen in the one-sided “compact double” radio galaxy 2050+364
Vermeulen R. C., Labiano A., Barthel P. D., Baum S. A., de Vries W. H., O'Dea C. P.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2006 447(2). p.489
The B3-VLA CSS sample
Rossetti A., Fanti C., Fanti R., Dallacasa D., Stanghellini C.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2006 449(1). p.49
A Dynamical Model for the Evolution of Hot Spots in Powerful Radio Sources
Perucho M., Martí J. M.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia. 2003 20(1). p.94
X‐Ray Cluster Associated with thez= 1.063 CSS Quasar 3C 186: The Jet is Not Frustrated
Siemiginowska Aneta, Cheung C. C., LaMassa Stephanie, Burke D. J., Aldcroft Thomas L., Bechtold Jill, Elvis Martin, Worrall D. M.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2005 632(1). p.110
Constraining the Evolution of Young Radio-Loud AGN
Snellen I. A. G., Mack K.-H., Schilizzi R. T., Tschager W.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia. 2003 20(1). p.38
On the Jet Production Efficiency in a Sample of the Youngest Radio Galaxies
Wójtowicz A., Stawarz Ł., Cheung C. C., Ostorero L., Kosmaczewski E., Siemiginowska A.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2020 892(2). p.116
Multifrequency Study of GHz-peaked Spectrum Sources
Sotnikova Yu. V., Mufakharov T. V., Majorova E. K., Mingaliev M. G., Udovitskii R. Yu., Bursov N. N., Semenova T. A.
Astrophysical Bulletin. 2019 74(4). p.348
An evolutionary sequence of young radio galaxies
Collier J. D., Norris R. P., Filipović M. D., Tothill N. F. H.
Astronomische Nachrichten. 2016 337(1-2). p.36
New prediction of extragalactic GeV γ-ray emission from radio lobes of young AGN jets
Kino M., Ito H., Kawakatu N., Nagai H.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters. 2009 395(1). p.L43
Callingham J. R., Gaensler B. M., Ekers R. D., Tingay S. J., Wayth R. B., Morgan J., Bernardi G., Bell M. E., Bhat R., Bowman J. D., Briggs F., Cappallo R. J., Deshpande A. A., Ewall-Wice A., Feng L., Greenhill L. J., Hazelton B. J., Hindson L., Hurley-Walker N., Jacobs D. C., Johnston-Hollitt M., Kaplan D. L., Kudrayvtseva N., Lenc E., Lonsdale C. J., McKinley B., McWhirter S. R., Mitchell D. A., Morales M. F., Morgan E., Oberoi D., Offringa A. R., Ord S. M., Pindor B., Prabu T., Procopio P., Riding J., Srivani K. S., Subrahmanyan R., Shankar N. Udaya, Webster R. L., Williams A., Williams C. L.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2015 809(2). p.168
Multifrequency VLBA observations of two compact symmetric objects
Rastello S., Dallacasa D., Orienti M.
Astronomische Nachrichten. 2016 337(1-2). p.42
FIRST-based survey of compact steep spectrum sources
Kunert-Bajraszewska M., Marecki A., Thomasson P.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2006 450(3). p.945
Correlation between X-Ray and Radio Absorption in Compact Radio Galaxies
Ostorero Luisa, Morganti Raffaella, Diaferio Antonaldo, Siemiginowska Aneta, Stawarz Łukasz, Moderski Rafal, Labiano Alvaro
The Astrophysical Journal. 2017 849(1). p.34
H I absorption in 3C 49 and 3C 268.3
Labiano A., Vermeulen R. C., Barthel P. D., O'Dea C. P., Gallimore J. F., Baum S., de Vries W.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2006 447(2). p.481
Physical properties of very powerful FRII radio galaxies
O'Dea C. P., Daly R. A., Kharb P., Freeman K. A., Baum S. A.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2009 494(2). p.471
SDSS J143244.91+301435.3: a link between radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies and compact steep-spectrum radio sources?
Caccianiga A., Anton S., Ballo L., Dallacasa D., Ceca R. D., Fanali R., Foschini L., Hamilton T., Kraus A., Maccacaro T., Mack K.- H., Marcha M. J., Paulino-Afonso A., Sani E., Severgnini P.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2014 441(1). p.172
DiPompeo M. A., Brotherton M. S., De Breuck C.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2012 752(1). p.6
High frequency peakers
Orienti M.
Astronomische Nachrichten. 2009 330(2-3). p.167
H I absorption in high-frequency peaker galaxies
Orienti M., Morganti R., Dallacasa D.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2006 457(2). p.531
Dicken D., Tadhunter C., Axon D., Morganti R., Robinson A., Kouwenhoven M. B. N., Spoon H., Kharb P., Inskip K. J., Holt J., Ramos Almeida C., Nesvadba N. P. H.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2012 745(2). p.172
Kinematics of the compact symmetric object OQ 208 revisited
Wu F., An T., Baan W. A., Hong X.-Y., Stanghellini C., Frey S., Xu H.-G., Liu X., Wang J.-Y.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2013 550 p.A113
Radio continuum sources behind the Large Magellanic Cloud
Filipović M D, Bojičić I S, Grieve K R, Norris R P, Tothill N F H, Shobhana D, Rudnick L, Prandoni I, Andernach H, Hurley-Walker N, Alsaberi R Z E, Anderson C S, Collier J D, Crawford E J, For B-Q, Galvin T J, Haberl F, Hopkins A M, Ingallinera A, Kavanagh P J, Koribalski B S, Kothes R, Leahy D, Leverenz H, Maggi P, Maitra C, Marvil J, Pannuti T G, Park L A F, Payne J L, Pennock C M, Riggi S, Rowell G, Sano H, Sasaki M, Staveley-Smith L, Trigilio C, Umana G, Urošević D, van Loon J Th, Vardoulaki E
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2021 507(2). p.2885
A radio structure resolved at the deca-parsec scale in the radio-quiet quasar PDS 456 with an extremely powerful X-ray outflow
Yang Jun, An Tao, Zheng Fang, Baan Willem A, Paragi Zsolt, Mohan Prashanth, Zhang Zhongli, Liu Xiang
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2019 482(2). p.1701
J1110+4817 – a compact symmetric object candidate revisited
Krezinger Máté, Frey Sándor, An Tao, Jaiswal Sumit, Zhang Yingkang
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2020 496(2). p.1811
The ordinary life of the γ-ray emitting narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy PKS 1502+036
D'Ammando F., Orienti M., Doi A., Giroletti M., Dallacasa D., Hovatta T., Drake A. J., Max-Moerbeck W., Readhead A. C. S., Richards J. L.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2013 433(2). p.952
Observations by GMRT at 323 MHz of radio-loud quasars atz  >  5
Shao Yali, Wagg Jeff, Wang Ran, Carilli Chris L., Riechers Dominik A., Intema Huib T., Weiss Axel, Menten Karl M.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2020 641 p.A85
Gamma-ray emission from young radio galaxies and quasars
Principe G, Di Venere L, Orienti M, Migliori G, D’Ammando F, Mazziotta M N, Giroletti M
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2021 507(3). p.4564
Propagation and Dynamics of Relativistic Jets
Mizuta Akira, Yamada Shoichi, Takabe Hideaki
The Astrophysical Journal. 2004 606(2). p.804
The dynamical ages of two low-luminosity young radio sources
de Vries N., Snellen I. A. G., Schilizzi R. T., Mack K.-H.
Astronomy and Astrophysics. 2010 521 p.A2
Jet propagation through inhomogeneous media and shock ionization
Perucho Manel, López‐Miralles Jose, Reynaldi Victoria, Labiano Álvaro
Astronomische Nachrichten. 2021 342(9-10). p.1171
FIRST-based survey of Compact Steep Spectrum sources
Kunert-Bajraszewska M., Marecki A., Thomasson P., Spencer R. E.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2005 440(1). p.93
A multi-epoch VLBI survey of the kinematics of CFJ sources
Britzen S., Vermeulen R. C., Campbell R. M., Taylor G. B., Pearson T. J., Readhead A. C. S., Xu W., Browne I. W., Henstock D. R., Wilkinson P.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2008 484(1). p.119
Kawakatu Nozomu, Nagao Tohru, Woo Jong-Hak
The Astrophysical Journal. 2009 693(2). p.1686
Czerny Bożena, Siemiginowska Aneta, Janiuk Agnieszka, Nikiel-Wroczyński Błażej, Stawarz Łukasz
The Astrophysical Journal. 2009 698(1). p.840
Infrared-faint radio sources: a new population of high-redshift radio galaxies
Collier J. D., Banfield J. K., Norris R. P., Schnitzeler D. H. F. M., Kimball A. E., Filipović M. D., Jarrett T. H., Lonsdale C. J., Tothill N. F. H.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2014 439(1). p.545
Optical properties of Peaked Spectrum radio sources
Nascimento R S, Rodríguez-Ardila A, Dahmer-Hahn L, Fonseca-Faria M A, Riffel R, Marinello M, Beuchert T, Callingham J R
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2022 511(1). p.214
Constraining the radio properties of the z = 6.44 QSO VIK J2318−3113
Ighina Luca, Leung James K., Broderick Jess W., Drouart Guillaume, Seymour Nick, Belladitta Silvia, Caccianiga Alessandro, Lenc Emil, Moretti Alberto, An Tao, Galvin Tim J., Heald George H., Huynh Minh T., McConnell David, Murphy Tara, Pritchard Joshua, Quici Benjamin, Shabala Stas S., Tingay Steven J., Turner Ross J., Wang Yuanming, White Sarah V.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2022 663 p.A73
A 20 kiloparsec bipolar Lyman α outflow from a radio galaxy at z = 2.95
Puga M. Coloma, Balmaverde B., Capetti A., Almeida C. Ramos, Massaro F., Venturi G.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2024 686 p.A220
Radio Compact Structure in OQ 208
Xie Guiying, Jiang D. R., Shen Z.-Q.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2005 621(1). p.L13
X‐Ray Properties of the Gigahertz Peaked and Compact Steep Spectrum Sources
Siemiginowska Aneta, LaMassa Stephanie, Aldcroft Thomas L., Bechtold Jill, Elvis Martin
The Astrophysical Journal. 2008 684(2). p.811
Toward Microarcsecond Astrometry for the Innermost Wobbling Jet of the BL Lacertae Object OJ 287
Cheng Xiaopeng, Yang Jun, Zhao Guang-Yao, Sohn Bong Won, Jung Taehyun, Li Xiaofeng
The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 2023 955(2). p.L30
Compact Symmetric Objects. III. Evolution of the High-luminosity Branch and a Possible Connection with Tidal Disruption Events
Readhead A. C. S, Ravi V., Blandford R. D., Sullivan A. G., Somalwar J., Begelman M. C., Birkinshaw M., Liodakis I., Lister M. L., Pearson T. J., Taylor G. B., Wilkinson P. N., Globus N., Kiehlmann S., Lawrence C. R., Murphy D., O’Neill S., Pavlidou V., Sheldahl E., Siemiginowska A., Tassis K.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2024 961(2). p.242
Deep spectroscopy of 9C J1503+4528: a very young compact steep spectrum radio source at z= 0.521
Inskip K. J., Lee D., Cotter Garret, Pearson T. J., Readhead A. C. S., Bolton R. C., Chandler C., Pooley G., Riley J. M., Waldram E. M.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2006 370(4). p.1585
XMM-Newton discovery of a Compton-thick AGN in the GPS galaxy Mkn 668
Guainazzi M., Siemiginowska A., Rodriguez-Pascual P., Stanghellini C.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2004 421(2). p.461
High energy emission from AGN cocoons in clusters of galaxies
Kino M., Kawakatu N., Ito H., Nagai H.
Astronomische Nachrichten. 2009 330(2-3). p.257
Milliarcsecond structures of variable-peaked spectrum sources
Ross K., Reynolds C., Seymour N., Callingham J. R., Hurley-Walker N., Bignall H.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia. 2023 40
Identifying Compact Symmetric Objects in the Southern Sky
Taylor G. B., Peck A. B.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2003 597(1). p.157
A comparison of compact, presumably young with extended, evolved radio active galactic nuclei
Meusinger Helmut, Mhaskey Mukul
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2024 682 p.A18
The Combined NVSS-FIRST Galaxies (CoNFIG) sample - I. Sample definition, classification and evolution
Gendre M. A., Wall J. V.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2008
Willett Kyle W., Stocke John T., Darling Jeremy, Perlman Eric S.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2010 713(2). p.1393
High Frequency Peakers
Dallacasa Daniele
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia. 2003 20(1). p.79
Polarization asymmetry in CSS sources: Evidence of AGN fuel?
Saikia D. J., Gupta N.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2003 405(2). p.499
Are radio‐loud Broad Absorption Line Quasars young sources?
Montenegro‐Montes F.M., Mack K.‐H., Benn C.R., Carballo R., González‐Serrano J.I., Holt J., Jiménez‐Luján F.
Astronomische Nachrichten. 2009 330(2-3). p.157
A sample of small-sized compact steep-spectrum radio sources: VLBI images and VLA polarization at 5 GHz
Dallacasa D., Orienti M., Fanti C., Fanti R., Stanghellini C.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2013 433(1). p.147
Jansky VLA observations of synchrotron emitting optical hotspots of 3C 227 and 3C 445 radio galaxies
Orienti M, Migliori G, Brunetti G, Nagai H, D’Ammando F, Mack K-H, Prieto M A
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2020 494(2). p.2244
Probing the nature of multiple lobe‐like emissions in 3C 84
Nagai H., Asada K., Doi A., Kameno S., Inoue M.
Astronomische Nachrichten. 2009 330(2-3). p.161
Spectral Ages of CSOs and CSS Sources
Murgia Matteo
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia. 2003 20(1). p.19
Ito Hirotaka, Kino Motoki, Kawakatu Nozomu, Orienti Monica
The Astrophysical Journal. 2015 806(2). p.241
A tidal disruption event coincident with a high-energy neutrino
Stein Robert, Velzen Sjoert van, Kowalski Marek, Franckowiak Anna, Gezari Suvi, Miller-Jones James C. A., Frederick Sara, Sfaradi Itai, Bietenholz Michael F., Horesh Assaf, Fender Rob, Garrappa Simone, Ahumada Tomás, Andreoni Igor, Belicki Justin, Bellm Eric C., Böttcher Markus, Brinnel Valery, Burruss Rick, Cenko S. Bradley, Coughlin Michael W., Cunningham Virginia, Drake Andrew, Farrar Glennys R., Feeney Michael, Foley Ryan J., Gal-Yam Avishay, Golkhou V. Zach, Goobar Ariel, Graham Matthew J., Hammerstein Erica, Helou George, Hung Tiara, Kasliwal Mansi M., Kilpatrick Charles D., Kong Albert K. H., Kupfer Thomas, Laher Russ R., Mahabal Ashish A., Masci Frank J., Necker Jannis, Nordin Jakob, Perley Daniel A., Rigault Mickael, Reusch Simeon, Rodriguez Hector, Rojas-Bravo César, Rusholme Ben, Shupe David L., Singer Leo P., Sollerman Jesper, Soumagnac Maayane T., Stern Daniel, Taggart Kirsty, van Santen Jakob, Ward Charlotte, Woudt Patrick, Yao Yuhan
Nature Astronomy. 2021 5(5). p.510
The presence and distribution of H I absorbing gas in sub-galactic sized radio sources
Pihlström Y. M., Conway J. E., Vermeulen R. C.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2003 404(3). p.871
Star formation in the hosts of GHz peaked spectrum and compact steep spectrum radio galaxies
Labiano A., O'Dea C. P., Barthel P. D., de Vries W. H., Baum S. A.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2008 477(2). p.491
Radio properties of Compact Steep Spectrum and GHz‐Peaked Spectrum radio sources
Orienti M.
Astronomische Nachrichten. 2016 337(1-2). p.9
Shocks, clouds, and atomic outflows in active galactic nuclei hosting relativistic jets
Perucho Manel
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2024 684 p.A45
Proper motion and apparent contraction in J0650+6001
Orienti M., Dallacasa D.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2010 406(1). p.529
Variability and parsec-scale radio structure of candidate compact symmetric objects
Orienti M, Dallacasa D
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2020 499(1). p.1340
An unbiased sample of bright southern compact steep spectrum and gigahertz peaked spectrum sources
Randall K. E., Hopkins A. M., Norris R. P., Edwards P. G.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2011 416(2). p.1135
An Tao, Baan Willem A.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2012 760(1). p.77
Gigahertz-peaked spectrum (GPS) galaxies and quasars
Mingaliev M. G., Sotnikova Yu. V., Mufakharov T. V., Erkenov A. K., Udovitskiy R. Yu.
Astrophysical Bulletin. 2013 68(3). p.262
GeV γ-Ray Emission of Compact Steep-spectrum Source 4C +39.23B
Gu Ying, Zhang Hai-Ming, Gan Ying-Ying, Zhang Jin, Sun Xiao-Na, Liang En-Wei
The Astrophysical Journal. 2022 927(2). p.221
FIRST-based survey of compact steep spectrum sources
Kunert-Bajraszewska M., Marecki A.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2007 469(2). p.437
Particle acceleration in low-power hotspots: modelling the broad-band spectral energy distribution
Migliori G, Orienti M, Coccato L, Brunetti G, D’Ammando F, Mack K-H, Prieto M A
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2020 495(2). p.1593
On the Origin of the X-Ray Emission in Heavily Obscured Compact Radio Sources
Ł. Król Dominika, Sobolewska Małgosia, Stawarz Łukasz, Siemiginowska Aneta, Migliori Giulia, Principe Giacomo, Gurwell Mark A.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2024 966(2). p.201
The X-ray emission in young radio active galactic nuclei
Liao Mai, Gu Minfeng, Zhou Minhua, Chen Liang
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2020 497(1). p.482
The last breath of the young gigahertz-peaked spectrum radio source PKS 1518+047
Orienti M., Murgia M., Dallacasa D.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2010 402(3). p.1892
Obscuring Environment and X-Ray Variability of Compact Symmetric Objects Unveiled with XMM-Newton and NuSTAR
Sobolewska Małgosia, Siemiginowska Aneta, Migliori Giulia, Ostorero Luisa, Stawarz Łukasz, Guainazzi Matteo
The Astrophysical Journal. 2023 948(2). p.81
Radio Spectral Variability of the Nearby GPS Galaxy PKS 1718–649
Tingay S. J., de Kool M.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia. 2003 20(1). p.140
Flat-spectrum symmetric objects with ∼1 kpc sizes – I. The candidates
Augusto Pedro, Gonzalez-Serrano J. Ignacio, Perez-Fournon Ismael, Wilkinson Peter N.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2006 368(3). p.1411
Physical properties of young radio sources: VLBA observations of high-frequency peaking radio sources
Orienti M., Dallacasa D.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2014 438(1). p.463
VLBI observations of the CORALZ sample: young radio sources at low redshift
de Vries N., Snellen I. A. G., Schilizzi R. T., Mack K.-H., Kaiser C. R.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2009 498(2). p.641
The Origin of High-energy Emission in the Young Radio Source PKS 1718–649
Sobolewska Małgosia, Migliori Giulia, Ostorero Luisa, Siemiginowska Aneta, Stawarz Łukasz, Guainazzi Matteo, Hardcastle Martin J.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2022 941(1). p.52
Identification of a new low-redshift GHz-peaked spectrum radio source and implications for the GHz-peaked spectrum class
Tingay S. J., Edwards P. G., Tzioumis A. K.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2003 346(1). p.327
Investigation on young radio AGNs based on SDSS spectroscopy
Liao Mai, Gu Minfeng
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2020 491(1). p.92
Compact Steep Spectrum Radio Sources with Enhanced Star Formation Are Smaller Than 10 kpc
Gordon Yjan A., O’Dea Christopher P., Baum Stefi A., Bechtol Keith, Duggal Chetna, Ferguson Peter S.
The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 2023 948(1). p.L9
The building blocks of young AGNs: A progress report on follow‐up projects with the CORALZ sample
Mack K.‐H., Snellen I.A.G., Schilizzi R.T., Vries N. de
Astronomische Nachrichten. 2009 330(2-3). p.217
Four hot DOGs in the microwave
Frey Sándor, Paragi Zsolt, Gabányi Krisztina Éva, An Tao
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2016 455(2). p.2058
Radio spectrum evolution and magnetic field in extreme GPS radio sources
Orienti M., Dallacasa D.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2008 477(3). p.807
The Fate of Young Radio Galaxies: Decelerations Inside Host Galaxies?
Kawakatu Nozomu, Nagai Hiroshi, Kino Motoki
The Astrophysical Journal. 2008 687(1). p.141
The X-ray view of giga-hertz peaked spectrum radio galaxies
Tengstrand O., Guainazzi M., Siemiginowska A., Fonseca Bonilla N., Labiano A., Worrall D. M., Grandi P., Piconcelli E.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2009 501(1). p.89
Constraining the nature of high frequency peakers
Orienti M., Dallacasa D., Stanghellini C.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2007 475(3). p.813
Multi-epoch parsec-scale observations of the blazar PKS 1510−089
Orienti M., Venturi T., Dallacasa D., D’Ammando F., Giroletti M., Giovannini G., Vercellone S., Tavani M.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2011 417(1). p.359
Jet Properties of Compact Steep-spectrum Sources and an Eddington-ratio-driven Unification Scheme of Jet Radiation in Active Galactic Nuclei
Zhang Jin, Zhang Hai-Ming, Gan Ying-Ying, Yi Ting-Feng, Wang Jun-Feng, Liang En-Wei
The Astrophysical Journal. 2020 899(1). p.2
Dating COINS: Kinematic Ages for Compact Symmetric Objects
Gugliucci N. E., Taylor G. B., Peck A. B., Giroletti M.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2005 622(1). p.136
Extragalactic Peaked-spectrum Radio Sources at Low Frequencies
Callingham J. R., Ekers R. D., Gaensler B. M., Line J. L. B., Hurley-Walker N., Sadler E. M., Tingay S. J., Hancock P. J., Bell M. E., Dwarakanath K. S., For B.-Q., Franzen T. M. O., Hindson L., Johnston-Hollitt M., Kapińska A. D., Lenc E., McKinley B., Morgan J., Offringa A. R., Procopio P., Staveley-Smith L., Wayth R. B., Wu C., Zheng Q.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2017 836(2). p.174
Extragalactic megahertz-peaked spectrum radio sources at milliarcsecond scales
Keim M. A., Callingham J. R., Röttgering H. J. A.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2019 628 p.A56
Ostorero L., Moderski R., Stawarz Ł., Diaferio A., Kowalska I., Cheung C. C., Kataoka J., Begelman M. C., Wagner S. J.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2010 715(2). p.1071
Parsec-scale morphology and spectral-index distribution in faint high-frequency peakers
Orienti M., Dallacasa D.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2012 424(1). p.532
Evolution of and High‐Energy Emission from GHz‐Peaked Spectrum Sources
Stawarz Ł., Ostorero L., Begelman M. C., Moderski R., Kataoka J., Wagner S.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2008 680(2). p.911
The Fermi ‐LAT view of young radio sources
D'Ammando F., Orienti M., Giroletti M.
Astronomische Nachrichten. 2016 337(1-2). p.59
Compact steep-spectrum and peaked-spectrum radio sources
O’Dea Christopher P., Saikia D. J.
The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review. 2021 29(1).
Cluster analyses of gigahertz-peaked spectrum sources with self-organising maps
Torniainen I., Tornikoski M., Turunen M., Lainela M., Lähteenmäki A., Hovatta T., Mingaliev M. G., Aller M. F., Aller H. D.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2008 482(2). p.483
EVN observations of eleven GHz-Peaked-Spectrum radio sources at 2.3/8.4 GHz
Xiang L., Dallacasa D., Cassaro P., Jiang D., Reynolds C.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2005 434(1). p.123
Models of young powerful radio sources
Alexander P.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2006 368(3). p.1404
The B3-VLA CSS sample
Orienti M., Dallacasa D., Fanti C., Fanti R., Tinti S., Stanghellini C.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2004 426(2). p.463
Multi-frequency VLBA observations of compact sources from the Peacock and Wall catalogue
Rossetti A., Mantovani F., Dallacasa D., Fanti C., Fanti R.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2005 434(2). p.449
Accretion/jet activity and narrow [O III] kinematics in young radio galaxies
Wu QingWen, Gu MinFeng, Humphrey Andrew
Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy. 2010 53(S1). p.235
Observational manifestations and intrinsic properties of the RCR sources in terms of a unified model
Zhelenkova O. P., Majorova E. K.
Astrophysical Bulletin. 2016 71(2). p.165
Compact Bright Radio-loud AGNs. III. A Large VLBA Survey at 43 GHz
Cheng X.-P., An T., Frey S., Hong X.-Y., He X., Kellermann K. I., Lister M. L., Lao B.-Q., Li X.-F., Mohan P., Yang J., Wu X.-C., Zhang Z.-L., Zhang Y.-K., Zhao W.
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 2020 247(2). p.57
Effelsberg 100-m polarimetric observations of a sample of compact steep-spectrum sources
Mantovani F., Mack K.-H., Montenegro-Montes F. M., Rossetti A., Kraus A.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2009 502(1). p.61
Constraining the spectral age of very asymmetric CSOs
Orienti M., Dallacasa D., Stanghellini C.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2007 461(3). p.923
T-RaMiSu: the Two-meter Radio Mini Survey
Williams W. L., Intema H. T., Röttgering H. J. A.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2013 549 p.A55
Kunert-Bajraszewska Magdalena, Siemiginowska Aneta, Katarzyński Krzysztof, Janiuk Agnieszka
The Astrophysical Journal. 2009 705(2). p.1356
Are young radio sources in equipartition?
Orienti M., Dallacasa D.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2008 487(3). p.885
Structural asymmetries, relativistic beaming and orientation effects in Lobe-Dominated Quasars
Onuchukwu C. C., Ubachukwu A. A.
Astrophysics and Space Science. 2013 344(1). p.211
The CORALZ sample - I. Young radio-loud active galactic nuclei at low redshift
Snellen I. A. G., Mack K.-H., Schilizzi R. T., Tschager W.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2004 348(1). p.227
Fate of baby radio galaxies: Dead or alive?
Kawakatu N., Nagai H., Kino M.
Astronomische Nachrichten. 2009 330(2-3). p.283
Siemiginowska Aneta, Sobolewska Małgosia, Migliori Giulia, Guainazzi Matteo, Hardcastle Martin, Ostorero Luisa, Stawarz Łukasz
The Astrophysical Journal. 2016 823(1). p.57
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