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Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia Society
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia

Using the 6dF Galaxy Redshift Survey to Detect Gravitationally-lensed Quasars

Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 18(2) 195 - 197
Published: 2001


Received 2001 January 21, accepted 2001 March 7

It is possible to detect gravitationally-lensed quasars spectroscopically if the spectra obtained during galaxy surveys are searched for the presence of quasar emission lines. The up-coming 6 degree Field (6dF) redshift survey on the United Kingdom Schmidt Telescope will involve obtaining ~105 spectra of near-infrared selected galaxies to a magnitude limit of K = 13. Applying previously developed techniques implies that at least one lens should be discovered in the 6dF survey, but that as many as ten could be found if quasars typically have BJK ~ 8. In this model there could be up to fifty lensed quasars in the sample, but most of them could only be detected by infrared spectroscopy.

Keywords: gravitational lensing — surveys — methods: data analysis

© ASA 2001

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