Australian Health Review
Volume 44 Number 6 2020
RESEARCH FRONTS: 1. Improving Aged Care – Special Focus; 2. Improving Mental Health Care – Special Focus
AHv44n6_ED2Combatting Commission fatigue: what does real reform in mental health look like?
AHv44n6_ED4New Zealand votes on end of life choice and cannabis legalisation
AH20312 Abstract | AH20312 Full Text | AH20312PDF (113 KB) Open Access Article
AH19172Young people in Australian residential aged care: evaluating trends from 2008 to 2018
AH19172 Abstract | AH19172 Full Text | AH19172PDF (359 KB) | AH19172Supplementary Material (220 KB) Open Access Article
AH19168Complex care needs and devolution in Greater Manchester: a pilot study to explore social care innovation in newly integrated service arrangements for older people
AH18211Codesigned framework for organisational culture reform in South Australian older persons' mental health services after the Oakden Report
AH20156Everyone matters; everyone contributes; everyone grows: a pilot project cultivating psychological safety to promote growth-oriented service culture after the Oakden Report
AH20156 Abstract | AH20156 Full Text | AH20156PDF (203 KB) Open Access Article
AH19078Stepped care mental health service in Australian primary care: codesign and feasibility study
AH19078 Abstract | AH19078 Full Text | AH19078PDF (498 KB) Open Access Article
AH19156Implementing national mental health carer partnership standards in South Australia
AH19156 Abstract | AH19156 Full Text | AH19156PDF (237 KB) Open Access Article
AH19095eMental health service use among Australian youth: a cross-sectional survey framed by Andersen's model
AH19261How much 'lived experience' is enough? Understanding mental health lived experience work from a management perspective
AH20080Appraisal of physical health guidelines for severe mental illness
AH19294Effect of a 24/7 nursing presence in a police watch house on police presentations to the emergency department
AH19236Case for antimicrobial stewardship pharmacy technicians in Australian hospitals

AH19124Effect of mammography screening and sociodemographic factors on stage of female breast cancer at diagnosis in New South Wales
AH19260Emergency general surgery models in Australia: a cross-sectional study

AH19006A health management competency framework for Australia
AH19207Provision of home medicines reviews in Australia: linking population need with service provision and available pharmacist workforce
AH20040_COCorrigendum to: Who uses residential aged care now, how has it changed and what does it mean for the future?
AH20040_CO Abstract | AH20040_COCorrigendum (226 KB) Open Access Article