Australian Health Review
Volume 39 Number 3 2015
RESEARCH FRONT: Allied Health Workforce
AH14194Allied health: untapped potential in the Australian health system
Kathleen Philip
pp. 244-247
AH14194 Full Text | AH14194PDF (140 KB) Open Access Article
AH14141The Queensland Health Ministerial Taskforce on health practitioners’ expanded scope of practice: consultation findings
Gretchen Young, Julie Hulcombe, Andrea Hurwood and Susan Nancarrow
pp. 249-254
AH14141 Abstract | AH14141 Full Text | AH14141PDF (111 KB) Open Access Article
AH14213Future of specialised roles in allied health practice: who is responsible?
Elizabeth H. Skinner, Kimberley J. Haines, Kate Hayes, Daniel Seller, Jessica C. Toohey, Julie C. Reeve, Clare Holdsworth and Terry P. Haines
pp. 255-259
AH14253Advanced allied health assistants: an emerging workforce
Claire Pearce and Leanne Pagett
pp. 260-263
AH14211Building allied health workforce capacity: a strategic approach to workforce innovation
Lisa Somerville, Annette Davis, Andrea L. Elliott, Desiree Terrill, Nicole Austin and Kathleen Philip
pp. 264-270
AH14211 Abstract | AH14211 Full Text | AH14211PDF (251 KB) Open Access Article
AH14208Advanced musculoskeletal physiotherapy clinical education framework supporting an emerging new workforce
Paula Harding, Jonathan Prescott, James Sayer and Andrea Pearce
pp. 271-282
AH14207Patient experience of expanded-scope-of-practice musculoskeletal physiotherapy in the emergency department: a qualitative study
Paula Harding, Jonathan Prescott, Lenore Block, Anne Marie O'Flynn and Angela T. Burge
pp. 283-289
AH14161Mapping allied health evidence-based practice: providing a basis for organisational realignment
Jenny Ziviani, Shelley A. Wilkinson, Fiona Hinchliffe and Rachel Feeney
pp. 295-302
AH14209Research capacity and culture of the Victorian public health allied health workforce is influenced by key research support staff and location
Cylie Williams, Koki Miyazaki, Donna Borkowski, Carol McKinstry, Matthew Cotchet and Terry Haines
pp. 303-311
AH14212Embedding research culture and productivity in hospital physiotherapy departments: challenges and opportunities
Elizabeth H. Skinner, Cylie M. Williams and Terry P. Haines
pp. 312-314
AH14111Implementing antimicrobial stewardship in the Australian private hospital system: a qualitative study
Menino O. Cotta, Megan S. Robertson, Caroline Marshall, Karin A. Thursky, Danny Liew and Kirsty L. Buising
pp. 315-322
AH14016Community representation in hospital decision making: a literature review
Zoë Murray
pp. 323-328
AH14016 Abstract | AH14016 Full Text | AH14016PDF (206 KB) Open Access Article
AH14088Pressure injury in Australian public hospitals: a cost-of-illness study
Kim-Huong Nguyen, Wendy Chaboyer and Jennifer A. Whitty
pp. 329-336
AH14088 Abstract | AH14088 Full Text | AH14088PDF (160 KB) Open Access Article
AH14055Which mothers receive a post partum home visit in Queensland, Australia? A cross-sectional retrospective study
Wendy Brodribb and Yvette Miller
pp. 337-343
AH14081Funding issues and options for pharmacists providing sessional services to rural hospitals in Australia
Amy CW Tan, Lynne M Emmerton, H Laetitia Hattingh and Adam La Caze
pp. 351-358
AH14077Thinking differently: working together for better care
Patrick Bolton, Hilary Crilly and Ketty Rivas
pp. 359-362