Australian Health Review
Volume 38 Number 1 2014
AH13114Health in a ‘post-transition’ Australia: adding years to life or life to years?
Stephen J. Begg
pp. 1-5
AH12009Generic drug prices and policy in Australia: room for improvement? A comparative analysis with England
Sarah J. Mansfield
pp. 6-15
AH13191Delays in access to affordable medicines: putting policy into perspective – authors’ response
Alison M. Pearce, Kees van Gool, Philip Haywood and Marion Haas
pp. 16-17
AH13058Research priorities in suicide prevention: an examination of Australian-based research 2007–11
Jo Robinson and Jane Pirkis
pp. 18-24
AH13067Relationship between frailty and discharge outcomes in subacute care
Melanie N. Haley, Yvonne D. Wells and Anne E. Holland
pp. 25-29
AH13061Major trauma: the unseen financial burden to trauma centres, a descriptive multicentre analysis
Kate Curtis, Mary Lam, Rebecca Mitchell, Cara Dickson and Karon McDonnell
pp. 30-37
AH13061 Abstract | AH13061 Full Text | AH13061PDF (150 KB) Open Access Article
AH13026Should diagnosis codes from emergency department data be used for case selection for emergency department key performance indicators?
Stuart C. Howell, Rachael A. Wills and Trisha C. Johnston
pp. 38-43
AH13041Depression in palliative care patients: a survey of assessment and treatment practices of Australian and New Zealand palliative care specialists
Kay Porche, Liz Reymond, John O' Callaghan and Margaret Charles
pp. 44-50
AH12027Hospital admissions caused by adverse drug events: an Australian prospective study
Alexandra L. Phillips, Olimpia Nigro, Karen A. Macolino, Kirsty C. Scarborough, Christopher J. Doecke, Manya T. Angley and Sepehr Shakib
pp. 51-57
AH13050Successful provision of emergency mental health care to rural and remote New South Wales: an evaluation of the Mental Health Emergency Care–Rural Access Program
Emily Saurman, David Lyle, David Perkins and Russell Roberts
pp. 58-64
AH13065Emergency department waiting times: do the raw data tell the whole story?
Janette Green, James Dawber, Malcolm Masso and Kathy Eagar
pp. 65-69
AH13065 Abstract | AH13065 Full Text | AH13065PDF (179 KB) Open Access Article
AH13163Improving the coding and classification of ambulance data through the application of International Classification of Disease 10th revision
Kate Cantwell, Amee Morgans, Karen Smith, Michael Livingston and Paul Dietze
pp. 70-79
AH13142Estimating treatment rates for mental disorders in Australia
Harvey A. Whiteford, William J. Buckingham, Meredith G. Harris, Philip M. Burgess, Jane E. Pirkis, Jan J. Barendregt and Wayne D. Hall
pp. 80-85
AH13142 Abstract | AH13142 Full Text | AH13142PDF (143 KB) Open Access Article
AH13109Investigating personality and conceptualising allied health as person or technique oriented
Narelle Campbell, Diann S Eley and Lindy McAllister
pp. 86-92
AH13074Perspectives of Indigenous people in the Pilbara about the delivery of healthcare services
Bruce F. Walker, Norman J. Stomski, Anne Price and Elizabeth Jackson-Barrett
pp. 93-98
AH13132Establishing the value of Indigenous eye health programs: health needs, economic priority and performance assessment approaches
David Dunt, Mitchell Anjou, Andrea Boudville, Arthur Hsueh and Hugh Taylor
pp. 99-105
AH13185Lessons for the Australian healthcare system from the Berwick report
Lesley Russell and Paresh Dawda
pp. 106-108
AH13158Preparing a 21st century workforce: is it time to consider clinically based, competency-based training of health practitioners?
Susan A. Nancarrow, Anna M. Moran and Iain Graham
pp. 115-117
AHv38n1_BR1Making Medicare: the Politics of Universal Health Care in Australia
Reviewed by Andrew Podger
pp. 119-120
AHv38n1_BR2Better Doctors, Better Patients, Better Decisions: Envisioning Health Care 2020
Reviewed by Stephen Duckett
pp. 121-121