Australian Health Review
Volume 37 Number 3 2013
AH13002Making activity-based funding work for mental health
Sebastian P. Rosenberg and Ian B. Hickie
pp. 277-280
AH13002 Abstract | AH13002 Full Text | AH13002PDF (93 KB) Open Access Article
AH13029Do patents impede the provision of genetic tests in Australia?
Dianne Nicol and John Liddicoat
pp. 281-285
AH13010Using a public hospital funding model to strengthen a case for improved nutritional care in a cancer setting
Anna G. Boltong, Jenelle M. Loeliger and Belinda L. Steer
pp. 286-290
AH12022Influenza pandemic 2009/A/H1N1 management policies in primary care: a comparative analysis of three countries
Marina Kunin, Dan Engelhard, Shane Thomas, Mark Ashworth and Leon Piterman
pp. 291-299
AH13046The time has come for an Australian Centre for Disease Control
Bradley J. McCall, Megan K. Young, Scott Cameron, Rod Givney, Robert Hall, John Kaldor, Ann Koehler, Vicki Krause and Christine Selvey
pp. 300-303
AH13046 Full Text | AH13046PDF (90 KB) Open Access Article
AH12018Breaking the mould without breaking the system: the development and pilot of a clinical dashboard at The Prince Charles Hospital
Kevin W. Clark, Elizabeth Whiting, Jeffrey Rowland, Leah E. Thompson, Ian Missenden and Gerhard Schellein
pp. 304-308
AH13003Multi-morbidity: a system design challenge in delivering patient-centred care
Dagmar M. Ceramidas and Nicholas J. Glasgow
pp. 309-311
AH13003 Full Text | AH13003PDF (75 KB) Open Access Article
AH12203Innovations in primary mental healthcare
Lennart Reifels, Bridget Bassilios, Kylie E. King, Justine R. Fletcher, Grant Blashki and Jane E. Pirkis
pp. 312-317
AH12026Preferences, barriers and facilitators for establishing comprehensive stroke units: a multidisciplinary survey
Fintan O'Rourke, Daniel K.Y. Chan, Daniel L. Chan and Xiao Man Ding
pp. 318-323
AH13033Clinician and patient perspectives of a new model of triage in a community rehabilitation program that reduced waiting time: a qualitative analysis
Katherine E. Harding, Nicholas F. Taylor, Birgitte Bowers, Maree Stafford and Sandra G. Leggat
pp. 324-330
AH12192Performance-based criteria are used in participant selection for pulmonary rehabilitation programs
James R. Walsh, Zoe J. McKeough, Norman R. Morris and Jenny D. Paratz
pp. 331-336
AH12005The Mental Health Nurse Incentive Program: reactions of general practitioners and their patients
Thomas Meehan and Samantha Robertson
pp. 337-340
AH12034Estimating the risk of functional decline in the elderly after discharge from an Australian public tertiary hospital emergency department
Karen Grimmer, Kate Beaton, Saravana Kumar, Kevan Hendry, John Moss, Susan Hillier, John Forward and Louise Gordge
pp. 341-347
AH12031Fall-related sub-acute and non-acute care and hospitalised rehabilitation episodes of care: what is the injury burden?
Rebecca J. Mitchell, Jacqui Close, Ian D. Cameron and Stephen Lord
pp. 348-355
AH12042Hospital readmission among older adults with congestive heart failure
Tasneem Islam, Beverly O'Connell and Prabha Lakhan
pp. 362-368
AH13022The carbon footprint of an Australian satellite haemodialysis unit
Allan E. K. Lim, Anthony Perkins and John W. M. Agar
pp. 369-374
AH12171How mental health clinicians want to evaluate the care they give: a Western Australian study
Sophie Davison, Yvonne Hauck, Philippa Martyr and Daniel Rock
pp. 375-380
AH13005Do people with existing chronic conditions benefit from telephone coaching? A rapid review
Sarah M. Dennis, Mark Harris, Jane Lloyd, Gawaine Powell Davies, Nighat Faruqi and Nicholas Zwar
pp. 381-388
AH13005 Abstract | AH13005 Full Text | AH13005PDF (168 KB) | AH13005Supplementary Material (546 KB) Open Access Article
AH12040Health for all? Patterns and predictors of allied health service use in Australia
Michele Foster, Martin O'Flaherty, Michele Haynes, Geoffrey Mitchell and Terrence P. Haines
pp. 389-396
AH13021Length of stay variations between rural and urban patients with acute myeloid leukemia: a case-matched study
Sean J. Heinz and Sam Milliken
pp. 397-401
AH13032Understanding the drivers on medical workloads: an analysis of spectators at the Australian Football League
Kathryn Zeitz, Pari Delir Haghighi, Frada Burstein and Jeffrey Williams
pp. 402-406
AH13032 Abstract | AH13032 Full Text | AH13032PDF (392 KB) Open Access Article
AH10983_COCorrigendum to: Prevalence and prevention of workplace aggression in Australian clinical medical practice
Danny J. Hills, Catherine M. Joyce and John S. Humphreys
pp. 408-408