Australian Health Review
Volume 36 Number 1 2012
AH11008 Controlled clinical trial of a self-management program for people with mental illness in an adult mental health service – the Optimal Health Program (OHP)
Monica M. Gilbert, James A. Chamberlain, Carolynne R. White, Paul W. Mayers, Brendan Pawsey, Danny Liew, Matthew Musgrave, Kerry Crawford and David J. Castle
pp. 1-7
AH11008 Abstract | AH11008 Full Text | AH11008PDF (390 KB) Open Access Article
AH10978 Standardising practices improves clinical diabetic foot management: the Queensland Diabetic Foot Innovation Project, 2006–09
Peter A. Lazzarini, Sharon R. O'Rourke, Anthony W. Russell, Patrick H. Derhy and Maarten C. Kamp
pp. 8-15
AH11010 An organised approach to the podiatric care of people with diabetes in regional Australia
Byron M. Perrin, Marcus J. Gardner, Susan R. Kennett, Jodie L. Cornelius and Michael J. Fanning
pp. 16-21
AH10961Universal for whom? Evaluating an urban Aboriginal population's access to a mainstream universal health home visiting program
John Widdup, Elizabeth J. Comino, Vana Webster and Jennifer Knight
pp. 27-33
AH10961 Abstract | AH10961 Full Text | AH10961PDF (221 KB) Open Access Article
AH10920 Influence of living arrangements on health services utilisation in Australia
M. Afzal Mahmood, Anna E. Bauze, Justin T. Lokhorst, Peng Bi and Arthur Saniotis
pp. 34-38
AH11031 Effective change management in a regional Sub-acute Ambulatory Care Services setting
Bruce W. Campbell
pp. 39-42
AH10952 Engaging medical staff in clinical governance: introducing new technologies and clinical practice into public hospitals
Alison J. Dwyer, Gavin Becker, Cindy Hawkins, Lisa McKenzie and Malcolm Wells
pp. 43-48
AH10971 Adaptive decision-making: how Australian healthcare managers decide
Abdolvahab Baghbanian, Ian Hughes, Ali Kebriaei and Freidoon A. Khavarpour
pp. 49-56
AH09861 The Victorian experience of transitional registration for Chinese Medicine practitioners and its implications for national registration
Wenyu Zhou, Anthony Lin Zhang, Brian H. May, Vivian K. Lin, Anne-Louise Carlton and Charlie Changli Xue
pp. 61-67
AH11996 Do Indigenous Australians age prematurely? The implications of life expectancy and health conditions of older Indigenous people for health and aged care policy
Philippa R. Cotter, John R. Condon, Tony Barnes, Ian P. S. Anderson, Leonard R. Smith and Teresa Cunningham
pp. 68-74
AH11996 Abstract | AH11996 Full Text | AH11996PDF (207 KB) Open Access Article
AH11020 Managing projected midwifery workforce deficits through collaborative partnerships
Meredith J. McIntyre, Alison M. Patrick, Linda K. Jones, Michelle Newton, Helen McLachlan, Jane Morrow and Harriet Morton
pp. 75-78
AH11003 Bringing them home: a Gippsland mental health workforce recruitment strategy
Keith Sutton, Darryl Maybery and Terry Moore
pp. 79-82
AH11009 Stabilising the aged care workforce: an analysis of worker retention and intention
Anna L. Howe, Debra S. King, Julie M. Ellis, Yvonne D. Wells, Zhang Wei and Karen A. Teshuva
pp. 83-91
AH11006 Effective clinical supervision for regional allied health professionals – the supervisee's perspective
Margaret Dawson, Bev Phillips and Sandra G. Leggat
pp. 92-97
AH11019 Uptake and implementation of Advance Care Planning in Australia: findings of key informant interviews
Joel J. Rhee, Nicholas A. Zwar and Lynn A. Kemp
pp. 98-104
AH10969 Diabetes-related major lower limb amputation in Far North Queensland, 1998–2008
Sharon R. O'Rourke, Christina M. Steffen, Alexandra Raulli and Fiona J. Tulip
pp. 105-109
AH10921Judging a patient's decision to seek emergency healthcare: clues for managing increasing patient demand
Amee Morgans and Stephen Burgess
pp. 110-114
AH10921 Abstract | AH10921 Full Text | AH10921PDF (173 KB) Open Access Article
AH10984 Palliative care case conferencing involving general practice: an argument for a facilitated standard process
Graydon Davison and Tania M. Shelby-James
pp. 115-119