Australian Health Review
Volume 23 Number 3 2000
Rosalie Viney and Marion Haas
pp. 10-19
AH000020aEvaluation of the First Strategic Plan for Aboriginal Health in South Western Sydney, 1993-98
Christine Carriage and Elizabeth Harris
pp. 20-27
AH000038Assessing need in a privately insured population -the MBF Preventive Health Survey
Jane Francis, Adrian Bauman and Tien Chey
pp. 38-45
AH000046Priority setting in public health and health services research
Norman Carson, Zahid Ansari and William Hart
pp. 46-57
AH000068The Antenatal Ward Care Delivery Map :A Team Model Approach
Christopher Dickinson and Marina Noud
pp. 68-77
AH000078Antenatal transfer of rural women: the NSW Inpatient Statistics Collection compare with an audit of hospital records?
Christine Roberts and Charles Algert
pp. 78-82
AH000083Evaluation of a (pilot) stage-tailored brief smoking cessation intervention among hospital patients
Chris Rissel, Allison Salmon and Ann-Maree Hughes
pp. 83-93
AH000104Bilingual health communicators:role delineation issues
Clair Matthews, Maree Johnson and Cathy Noble
pp. 104-112
AH000113aCommunity and consumer participation in Australian health services
Anne Johnson and Kate Silburn
pp. 113-121
AH000132Oranges are not the only fruit:the role of emergency departments in providing care to primary care patients
Patrick Bolton, Michael Mira and Arn Sprogis
pp. 132-136
AH000137aAssessing the relationship between inpatient and outpatient activity:a clinical specialty analysis
Penny Sharwood and Bernadette O'Connell
pp. 137-144
AH000145Funding issues for Victorian hospitals:the risk-adjusted vision beyond casemix funding
Kathryn Antioch and Michael Walsh
pp. 145-153
AH000154Casemix and rehabilitation: evaluation of an early discharge scheme
Susan Brandis
pp. 154-161
AH000162aLength of stay comparisons for private and public hospitals
Jennifer Badham and Jason Brandrup
pp. 162-170
AH000171Casemix funding for a Specialist Paediatrics Hospital:A hedonic regression approach
John F P Bridges and Ralph M Hanson
pp. 171-175
AH000176Information technology adoption in health care: when organisations and technology collide
Ian England, Don Stewart and Sue Walker
pp. 176-185
AH000186The role of Informatics to support evidence-based practice and clinician education
Evelyn Hovenga and Dawn Hay
pp. 186-192
AH000193aEmployment relationships in Victorian public hospitals: the Kennett years
Pauline Stanton
pp. 193-200
AH000201Characteristics of effective teams:a literature review
Sharon Mickan and Sylvia Rodger
pp. 201-208
AH000209The introduction of the Frontline Management Initiative in South Western Sydney Area Health Service
Susan Hanson and Godfrey Isouard
pp. 209-218