Australian Health Review
Volume 33 Number 2 2009
AH090192Transparency in pricing arrangements for medicines listed on the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme
Jane Robertson, Emily J Walkom and David A Henry
pp. 192-199
AH090200High prices for generics in Australia — more competition might help
Liliana Bulfone
pp. 200-214
AH090231Australia's pharmaceutical cost sharing policy: reducing waste or affordability?
Evan Doran and Jane Robertson
pp. 231-240
AH090245 Biopharmaceutical innovation and industrial developments in South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan
Chee-Ruey Hsieh and Hans Lofgren
pp. 245-257
AH090268Doctor and pharmacist — back to the apothecary!
Siaw-Teng Liaw and Gregory Peterson
pp. 268-278
AH090295Medicines policy and drug company investments: the Irish experience
Hans Lofgren
pp. 295-298
AH090303Becoming Australian? Two different approaches to health care reform in the United States
Jessica K Roydhouse
pp. 303-310
AH090315Working together: collaboration between midwives and doctors in public hospitals
Kerreen M Reiger and Karen L Lane
pp. 315-324
AH090325 Cholesterol-lowering therapy and the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme: a population study
Robert J Adams, Sarah Appleton, David H Wilson, Anne W Taylor, Catherine Chittleborough, Tiffany Gill and Richard E Ruffin
pp. 325-333
AH090334The AusPSIs: the Australian version of the Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality patient safety indicators
Steven McConchie, Jennie Shepheard, Simon Waters, Alison J McMillan and Vijaya Sundararajan
pp. 334-350