Australian Health Review
Volume 34 Number 3 2010
AH08723Barriers to comorbidity service delivery: the complexities of dual diagnosis and the need to agree on terminology and conceptual frameworks
Rachel Canaway and Monika Merkes
pp. 262-268
AH09771Medically-managed Hospital in the Home: 7 year study of mortality and unplanned interruption
Michael Montalto, Benjamin Lui, Ann Mullins and Katherine Woodmason
pp. 269-275
AH09771 Abstract | AH09771 Full Text | AH09771PDF (252 KB) Open Access Article
AH09794The reported benefits of telehealth for rural Australians
Jennifer J. Moffatt and Diann S. Eley
pp. 276-281
AH08721Readmission to an acute psychiatric unit within 28 days of discharge: identifying those at risk
Thomas Callaly, Mary Hyland, Tom Trauer, Seetal Dodd and Michael Berk
pp. 282-285
AH09773'Hands on, Hands off': a model of clinical supervision that recognises trainees' need for support and independence
Rick Iedema, Suzanne Brownhill, Mary Haines, Bill Lancashire, Tim Shaw and Jane Street
pp. 286-291
AH09751Rural health career pathways: research themes in recruitment and retention
Karin A. Fisher and John D. Fraser
pp. 292-296
AH08727Sustainable workforce reform: case study of Victorian nurse practitioner roles
Julie Considine and Katy Fielding
pp. 297-303
AH08681Returning to physiotherapy practice: the perspective of returners, potential returners and clinical supervisors
Lorraine Sheppard, Michael Crowe, Anne Jones and Robyn Adams
pp. 304-311
AH08668The impact of nurses on patient morbidity and mortality – the need for a policy change in response to the nursing shortage
Di Twigg, Christine Duffield, Peter L. Thompson and Pat Rapley
pp. 312-316
AH09821 Abstract | AH09821 Full Text | AH09821PDF (147 KB) Open Access Article
AH09820The sustainability of Medical Morning Handover Reporting: adherence in a regional hospital
Terry J. Hannan, Stanley Bart, Colin Sharp, Mathew J. Fassett and Robert G. Fassett
pp. 325-327
AH09698An evaluation of a benchmarking initiative in extended treatment mental health services
Nicole Shepherd, Thomas J. Meehan, Fiona Davidson and Terry Stedman
pp. 328-333
AH09798Evaluation of the impact of implementation of a Medical Assessment and Planning Unit on length of stay
Caroline A. Brand, Marcus P. Kennedy, Bellinda L. King-Kallimanis, Ged Williams, Christopher A. Bain and David M. Russell
pp. 334-339
AH09774Human infrastructure in health: a commentary on networks of supports
Heidi Muenchberger, Elizabeth Kendall and Hoon Han
pp. 340-342
AH09763From leader to leadership: clinician managers and where to next?
Liz Fulop and Gary E. Day
pp. 344-351
AH08720The Clinical Services Redesign Program in New South Wales: perceptions of senior health managers
Malcolm Masso, Glenn Robert, Grace McCarthy and Kathy Eagar
pp. 352-359
AH08696Empowerment and change management in Aboriginal organisations: a case study
Alexandra B. McEwan, Komla Tsey, Janya McCalman and Helen J. Travers
pp. 360-367
AH08696 Abstract | AH08696 Full Text | AH08696PDF (316 KB) Open Access Article
AH09708Implications of excess weight on mental wellbeing
Jodie Morris, Stefan Koehn, Brenda Happell, Trudy Dwyer and Lorna Moxham
pp. 368-374
AH09791Do doctors, nurses and managers have different thinking styles?
Ruth M. Sladek, Malcolm J. Bond and Paddy A. Phillips
pp. 375-380