Turnover factors and retention strategies for chief executive officers in Australian hospitals
Nebu Mathew

Hospital chief executive officers (CEOs) in Australia encounter various challenges such as financial constraints, changing regulations, and the necessity to uphold patient care standards. These challenges can contribute to rates of CEO turnover, which can disrupt healthcare organisations and affect the quality of services provided. This research aims to pinpoint the factors influencing hospital CEO turnover and explore effective strategies for retaining these vital leaders
A survey was carried out among hospital CEOs throughout Australia. The survey, distributed through email and online platforms, gathered information on reasons behind turnover and methods for retaining CEOs. Data from 51 CEOs were analysed using statistical regression techniques and thematic analysis.
The findings from the survey indicated that 82.35% of CEOs identified stress and work-related pressure as the causes of turnover. Other significant factors included managing under-resourced organisations (68.62%), lack of support from the board (66.66%), and facing internal/external criticisms (58.82%). On average, respondents reported 5.16 reasons for leaving their positions with no significant differences found based on sociodemographic characteristics. It was pointed out that key ways to retain CEOs include building respect and trust between CEOs and board chairs, meeting the training and development needs of CEOs, and defining roles within the organisation. The importance of succession planning was also emphasised, with 94.12% of respondents acknowledging its significance for maintaining stability.
The study underscores the multifaceted nature of CEO turnover in Australian hospitals influenced by organisational dynamics, performance factors, and personal elements. Effective retention strategies necessitate a culture within the organisation, defined roles, sufficient resources, and robust succession planning. Addressing these aspects can bolster leadership continuity and enhance the performance of healthcare organisations.
Keywords: Australia, CEO, employee, factors, healthcare management, hospitals, leadership, patients, strategies for retention, turnover.
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