Networks: a key to the future of health services
Gray Southon, Rod Perkins and David Galler
Australian Health Review
29(3) 317 - 326
Published: 2005
Health service reforms and structures have, in general, emphasised hierarchical systems to enable control and accountability. In doing so, policies have substantially sidelined networks and their potential for contributing to health service performance. Networks play a number of roles, such as in supporting expertise development, arranging referrals, coordinating programs, undertaking projects, sharing common interests and providing mutual support in managing common conditions. They handle knowledge, support expertise and deal with complexity in ways that hierarchies are unable to, and are fundamental to supporting professionalism. Until networks are used to a greater extent, the development of health services will be substantially impeded. This will require enhancing the role and contribution that networks play, which is dependent on resources, leadership and skills.
© AHHA 2005