The Australian Protoneurinae (Odonata)
JAL Watwson and G Theischinger
Australian Journal of Zoology Supplementary Series
32(98) 1 - 51
Published: 1984
The synonymy of Notoneura Tillyard with Nososticta Hagen in Selys is established. Six new species of Nososticta are described, N. baroalba, N. koongarra, N. koolpinyah and N. taracurnbi from the northern parts of the Northern Territory, N. liveringa from the north-west of the Northern Territory and the Kimberley region of Western Australia, and N. kalumburu from the Kimberley region. The five other known Australian species are redescribed, and the 11 species are compared and keyed.
© CSIRO 1984