A revision of the Australian Chrysopidae (Insecta : Neuroptera)
TR New
Australian Journal of Zoology Supplementary Series
28(77) 1 - 143
Published: 1980
The Australian Chrysopidae are revised, and keys and illustrations provided to aid separation of all genera and species. Of 53 species recognised, nine (Triplochrysa, one; Ankylopteryx, one; Italochrysa, one; Glenochrysa, one; Chrysopa, five) are described as new. Three species earlier placed in Chrysopa are allocated to Glenochrysa (irregularis, opposita, regularis). C. alcatoa Banks is reduced to a synonym of C. signata Schneider and Italochrysa xanthocephala (Navás) to a synonym of I. insignis (Walker). Italochrysa froggatti (Esben-Petersen) is recorded for the first time for the Australian mainland. Relationships and distribution of the Australian Chrysopidae are discussed.https://doi.org/10.1071/AJZS077
© CSIRO 1980