Australian Journal of Zoology
Volume 50 Number 1 2002
ZO01071Systematics and biogeography of pygmy possums (Burramyidae : Cercartetus )
M. J. Osborne and L. Christidis
pp. 25-37
ZO01051A molecular phylogeny of rainbow skinks (Scincidae: Carlia ): taxonomic and biogeographic implications
Devi M. Stuart-Fox, Andrew F. Hugall and Craig Moritz
pp. 39-51
ZO01077Growth and condition in Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus ) (Carnivora : Pinnipedia)
J. P. Y. Arnould and R. M. Warneke
pp. 53-66
ZO00067Metabolic ecology of cockatoos in the south-west of Western Australia
C. E. Cooper, P. C. Withers, P. R. Mawson, S. D. Bradshaw, J. Prince and H. Roberston
pp. 67-76
ZO01046Pecking preferences in hatchlings of the Australian brush-turkey, Alectura lathami (Megapodiidae): the role of food type and colour
Ann Göth and Heather Proctor
pp. 93-102
ZO01039Riparian gravel banks of upland and lowland rivers in Victoria (south-east Australia): arthropod community structure and life-history patterns along a longitudinal gradient
Volker W. Framenau, Randolf Manderbach and Martin Baehr
pp. 103-123