Australian Journal of Zoology
Volume 48 Number 6 2000
ZO00053Nest utilisation and recognition by juvenile gryllacridids (Orthoptera : Gryllacrididae)
Roderick J. Hale
pp. 643-652
ZO00049Hydric environment and sex determination in the flatback turtle (Natator depressus Garman) (Chelonia : Cheloniidae)
Suhashini Hewavisenthi and C. John Parmenter
pp. 653-659
ZO00050Novel exocrine glands in the hindleg tarsi of the ant Nothomyrmecia macrops
Johan Billen, Fuminori Ito and Christian Peeters
pp. 661-667
ZO00071Opportunistic breeding in the polyandrous honey possum, Tarsipes rostratus
R. D. Wooller, K. C. Richardson, C. A. M. Garavanta, V. M. Saffer and K. A. Bryant
pp. 669-680
ZO00009Unusual macromorphology of the ductuli efferentes and epididymis of the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus )
Rachel J. Gibson, Chris M. Leigh and William G. Breed
pp. 681-689
ZO00033Birth in the brushtail possum, Trichosurus vulpecula (Marsupialia : Phalangeridae)
Colleen E. Veitch, John Nelson and Robert T. Gemmell
pp. 691-700
ZO99010Activity patterns, movements and burrows of platypuses (Ornithorhynchus anatinus ) in a sub-alpine Tasmanian lake
Helen M. Otley, Sarah A. Munks and Mark A. Hindell
pp. 701-713