Australian Journal of Zoology
Volume 40 Number 6 1992
ZO9920573Influence of Larval Rearing Conditions on the Body Size and Flight Capacity of Epiphyas-Postvittana Moths
H Gu and W Danthanarayana
pp. 573-581
ZO9920583The on-Host Temperature Environment for 2 Australian Reptile Ticks
NB Chilton and CM Bull
pp. 583-592
ZO9920605Taxonomy of Rock Wallabies, Petrogale (Marsupialia, Macropodidae) .1. A Revision of the Eastern Petrogale With the Description of 3 New Species
MDB Eldridge and RL Close
pp. 605-625
ZO9920653The Breeding Biology of a Tropical Possum, Trichosurus-Vulpecula-Arnhemensis (Phalangeridae, Marsupialia)
JA Kerle and CJ Howe
pp. 653-665
ZO9920667Ultrastructure of Sperm and Spermatogenesis of Artioposthia Sp (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Terricola)
L Minmin, NA Watson and K Rohde
pp. 667-674