Australian Journal of Zoology
Volume 40 Number 1 1992
ZO9920021The Anatomy of the Adult Marsupial Heart - an Historical Review
SIC Runciman, RV Baudinette and BJ Gannon
pp. 21-34
ZO9920035Infection and Multiplication of Ross River Virus in the Mosquito Vector Aedes-Vigilax (Skuse)
TG Vale, ML Dowling and MJ Cloonan
pp. 35-41
ZO9920073Aspects of Social-Behavior and Dominance in Male Rainbow Skinks, Carlia-Rostralis
JM Whittier and J Martin
pp. 73-79
ZO9920081Phylogeny of the Australian Rodents (Muridae) - a Molecular Approach Using Microcomplement Fixation of Albumin
CHS Watts, PR Baverstock, J Birrell and M Krieg
pp. 81-90