Australian Journal of Zoology
Volume 37 Numbers 4 & 5 1989
ZO9890521Cytogenetics of Some New Guinean Dasyurids and Genome Evolution in the Dasyuridae (Marsupialia)
M Westerman and PA Woolley
pp. 521-531
ZO9890553Field Metabolic Rates, Water Fluxes, and Feeding Rates of Quokkas, Setonix-Brachyurus, and Tammars, Macropus-Eugenii, in Western-Australia
KA Nagy, AJ Bradley and KD Morris
pp. 553-560
ZO9890591Environmental and Genetic Influences on Growth of the Wild Rabbit, Oryctolagus-Cuniculus (L) in Australia
CK Williams and RJ Moore
pp. 591-598
ZO9890599Host Plants, Temperature and Seasonal Effects on Immature Development and Adult Size of Euploea-Core-Corinna (Lepidoptera, Danainae)
E Scheermeyer, RL Kitching and RE Jones
pp. 599-608