Australian Journal of Zoology
Volume 34 Number 2 1986
ZO9860119The Structures of the Gastrointestinal Tracts of Honeyeaters and Other Small Birds in Relation to Their Diets
KC Richardson and RD Wooller
pp. 119-124
ZO9860177The Marsupial Blastocyst - a Study of the Blastocysts in the Hill Collection
L Selwood
pp. 177-187
ZO9860199Sexual Maturity in the Female Bandicoot Isoodon-Macrourus (Gould) in Captivity
RT Gemmell
pp. 199-204
ZO9860205Gastric Brooding - a New Form in a Recently Discovered Australian Frog of the Genus Rheobatrachus
ASY Leong, MJ Tyler and DJC Shearman
pp. 205-209
ZO9860211Parameters Affecting the Growth of the Estuarine Crocodile, Crocodylus-Porosus, in Captivity
ST Garnett and RM Murray
pp. 211-223
ZO9860315A Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Mirobaeoides Dodd (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae)
AD Austin
pp. 315-337