Australian Journal of Zoology
Volume 33 Number 2 1985
ZO9850111The Annual Activity and Breeding Cycles of Gould's Long-Eared Bat, Nyctophilus gouldi (Microchiroptera: Vespertiionidae)
WR Phillips and SJ Inwards
pp. 111-126
ZO9850143The Litoria ewingi Complex (Anura:Hylidae) in South-Eastern Australia VIII.* Hybridization between L. ewingi and L. verreauxi alpina in the Mount Baw Baw Area, South Central Victoria
GF Watson, MJ Littlejohn, DF Gartside and JJ Loftus-Hills
pp. 143-152
ZO9850179Oviposition Patterns and Egg Characteristics of Australian Tortricine Moths (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae).
JA Powell and IFB Common
pp. 179-216
ZO9850217A Revision of the Genus Australotomurus (Collembola: Entomobryidae: Orchesellinae)
Mutt JA Mari and PJM Greenslade
pp. 217-243
ZO9850245A Revision of the Australian Genus Telephlebia Selys (Odonata: Aeshnidae: Brachytroninae)
G Theischinger
pp. 245-261