Australian Journal of Zoology
Volume 32 Number 2 1984
ZO9840219Correlations between Breeding Activity in the Marsupial Bandicoots and some Environmental Variables
A Barnes and RT Gemmell
pp. 219-226
ZO9840227The Effects of Immersion in Water on Survival to Eclosion of the Embryos of the Buffalo Fly, Haematobia Irritans Exigua De Meijere (Diptera: Muscidae).
IM Cook, AV Spain and DF Sinclair
pp. 227-230
ZO9840231Gene Frequencies and Body Weights of Feral Cats, Felis catus (L.), from Five Australian Localities and from Macquarie Island
E Jones and BJ Horton
pp. 231-237
ZO9840251 Parasitization of Larvae of Paropsis Atomaria Ol. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in the Australian Capital Territory.
MT Tanton and JSO Epila
pp. 251-259
ZO9840283 Further Studies of Lung Parasites (Nematoda) From Australian Marsupials.
DM Spratt
pp. 283-310