Australian Journal of Zoology
Volume 32 Number 1 1984
ZO9840015The Function of the Katydid Spermatophore and its Role in Fecundity and Insemination (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)
DT Gwynne, BJ Bowen and CG Codd
pp. 15-22
ZO9840023The Katydid Spermatophore (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae): Male Nutritional Investment and its Fate in the Mated Female
BJ Bowen, CG Codd and DT Gwynne
pp. 23-31
ZO9840033Growth of the Weddell Seal, Leptonychotes weddelli (Pinnipedia)
MM Bryden, MSR Smith, RA Tedman and DW Featherston
pp. 33-41
ZO9840057The Relationship between Body Weight, Egg Weight, Incubation Period, Nestling Period and Nest Site in the Psittaciformes, Falconiformes, Strigiformes and Columbiformes.
DA Saunders, GT Smith and NA Campbell
pp. 57-65
ZO9840067 Larvae of Australian Gomphomacromiinae and their Bearing on the Status of the Synthemis Groupof Genera (Odonata: Corduliidae)
G Theischinger and JAL Watson
pp. 67-95