Australian Journal of Zoology
Volume 31 Number 3 1983
ZO9830313Variation in Sperm Head Morphology in the Australian Rodent Notomys alexis
WG Breed and V Sarafis
pp. 313-316
ZO9830353Gentic Differentiation, Hybridization and Reproductive Isolation in Mygalopsis marki Bailey (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)
IR Dadour and MS Johnson
pp. 353-360
ZO9830361A Taxonomic Appraisal of the Genus Ningaui Archer (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae), including Description of a New Species
DJ Kitchener, J Stoddart and J Henry
pp. 361-379
ZO9830381 An Electroporetic and Chromosomal Study of the Dasyurid Marsupial Genus Ningaui Archer
PR Baverstock, M Adams, M Archer, NL Mckenzie and RA How
pp. 381-392