Australian Journal of Zoology
Volume 27 Number 3 1979
ZO9790363Fluoroacetate Tolerance, a Genetic Marker in Some Australian Mammals.
AJ Oliver, DR King and RJ Mead
pp. 363-372
ZO9790421Studies on mating behaviour in the Drosophila bipectinata complex
SN Hegde and NB Krishnamurthy
pp. 421-431
ZO9790433Electrophoretic, Chromosomal and Morphometric Studies on the Red-Necked Wallaby, Macropus Rufogriseus (Desmarest).
PG Johnston and GB Sharman
pp. 433-441
ZO9790443Proteins of beaks, possible use in taxonomy of birds
MJ Frenkel and JM Gillespie
pp. 443-452