Australian Journal of Zoology
Volume 21 Number 3 1973
ZO9730321Reproduction in the mountain possum, Trichosurus caninus (Ogilby), in captivity
MJ Smith and RA How
pp. 321-329
ZO9730369The chromosomes of Metachirus nudicaudatus (Marsupialia : Didelphidae)
E Yunis, J Cayon and E Ramirez
pp. 369-373
ZO9730413Flight Activity and Displacement in the Rutherglen Bug Nysius Vinitor (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae).
M Kehat and M Wyndham
pp. 413-426
ZO9730427The relation between food, age and flight in the Rutherglen bug, Nysiusm vinitor (Hemiptera : Lygaeidae)
M Kehat and M Wyndham
pp. 427-434