Myology of the Head and Neck of the Bandicoot (Marsupialia, Peramelemorphia)
SL Filan
Australian Journal of Zoology
38(6) 617 - 634
Published: 1990
The facial, masticatory, and neck musculature of Echymipera ('Peroryctidae'), Isoodon (Peramelidae), and Macrotis (Thylacomyidae) is detailed and figured, as are skull attachments of the described muscles. Each bandicoot family is myologically distinct, and all show greater differentiation of muscles than didelphids or dasyurids, especially in the neck. The mandibulo-auricularis has two bellies in Isoodon and fans out underneath the platysma in Macrotis, in contrast to the simple condition in didelphids, dasyurids, and Echymipera. The maxillo-naso-labialis extends furthest posterior in Echymipera, but is generally more differentiated in bandicoots than in dasyurids and Trichosurus. An omo-trachelien dorsalis is present in didelphids, dasyurids, Trichosurus and Macrotis, but absent in Isoodon and Echymipera. All three bandicoots have a styloglossus, which is not present in didelphids and dasyurids, and a differentiated temporalis pars zygomaticus.
© CSIRO 1990