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Australian Journal of Zoology Australian Journal of Zoology Society
Evolutionary, molecular and comparative zoology

A Revision of the Australian Species of Exorista Meigen, With Notes on the Other Genera of Australian Exoristini (Diptera: Tachinidae).

BK Cantrell

Australian Journal of Zoology 33(4) 547 - 576
Published: 1985


The Australian species of Exorista Meigen are revised and the genus redescribed from these species. E. auriceps Macquart is confirmed as a synonym of E.flaviceps Macquart, and E. mungomeryi (Baranov) is synonymized with E. curriei (Curran). E. quadriseta (Baranov) is recorded from Australia for the first time. A new species is described below as E. norrisi, but five other species are left unnamed until further material is available. A key to the 14 species known in Australia is provided. Knowledge of the remaining seven genera of Exoristini in Australia is insufficient for their detailed treatment but pertinent comments on each are given. The presence of Phorinia Robineau-Desvoidy in Australia is confirmed. A partial list of the distinguishing features of the Exoristini is included.

© CSIRO 1985

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