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Australian Journal of Zoology Australian Journal of Zoology Society
Evolutionary, molecular and comparative zoology

Abbreviata (Nematoda: Physalopteroidea) in Lizards of the Varanus Gouldii Complex (Varanidae) in Western Australia.

HI Jones

Australian Journal of Zoology 31(2) 285 - 298
Published: 1983


Six species of nematode in the genus Abbreviata were recovered from the stomachs of 58 Varanus gouldii, s.l., in Western Australia: A. hastaspicula, A. barrowi, A, antarctica, A. levicauda, sp. nov., A. tumidocapitis, sp. nov., and an unnamed species. A. occidentalis Jones, 1978 is reduced to synonomy with A. antarctica (Linstow, 1899). A, hastaspicula was recovered from all hosts examined except those from the south-west of the State, where it was replaced by A. antarctica. A. levicauda and A. tumidocapitis occurred concurrently with one or both of the above species. Th'e increase in A. hastaspicula numbers with host size in V. gouldii, s.s., (P<0,05) and in V. panoptes (P<0,05) indicates that there is no effective host immune response. A. hastaspicula numbers were unaffected by concurrent A. levicauda infection. There was a positive correlation between numbers of Abbreviata sp. larvae and A. hastaspicula (P<0.01), and between Abbreviata sp. larvae and A. antarctica (P<0.01), in V. gouldii, s.s. No larvae were seen in the stomach wall of these Varanus, and it is concluded that those which occur commonly in this situation in elapid snakes are probably larvae of A. hastaspicula or A. levicauda, which appear to be unable to mature in these hosts.

© CSIRO 1983

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