Reproduction in female Chalinolobus morio (Gray) (Vespertilionidae) in South-Western Australia
DJ Kitchener and P Coster
Australian Journal of Zoology
29(3) 305 - 320
Published: 1981
The reproductive cycle of C. morio is outlined from examination of reproductive organs in situ and from histological techniques on Museum specimens collected in south-western Australia over the last 46 years. Changes in ovaries, endometria (and glands), epithelia lining tracts and Bartholin's glands are described. C. morio is monoestrous. It copulates in autumn and stores sperm in oviducts and uterine glands until ovulation in winter. Both ovaries are functional. Trans-uterine migration of the developing zygote is recorded. It normally gives birth to a single young, although occasionally to twins, between mid-September and mid-November. In the case of twins both uterine horns are gravid, otherwise only the right horn is gravid.
© CSIRO 1981