Aspects of the Ecology of Calliphora Augur (Fabricius) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), a Native Australian Blowfly.
APL Callinan
Australian Journal of Zoology
28(6) 679 - 684
Published: 1980
The ecology of C. augur, an Australian sheep blowfly, was studied in western Victoria in 1976-77. Some larvae pupariated at all times of the year. Percentages of pupariation and development to adults were lowest in midsummer and midwinter. Time to pupariation varied from 13 to 142 days; C. augur overwintered as both pupae and larvae. Adult flies emerged in all months, though most overwintered pupae and larvae resumed development in September. Rate of population increase was highest in October and November, when mean monthly maximum and minimum air temperatures were 15-22°C and 5-8°C. and mean monthly relative humidity at 0900 h was 70-87%.
© CSIRO 1980