The Distribution of the Stickfast Fleas, Echidnophaga Myrmecobii Rothschild and E. Perilis Jordan, on the Wild Rabbit, Oryctolagus Cuniculus (L.).
RCH Shepherd and JW Edmonds
Australian Journal of Zoology
27(2) 261 - 271
Published: 1979
Rabbits were examined for E. myrmecobii and E. perilis. Each skin was divided into several regions. E. myrmecobii were found on the head and body regions and E. perilis on the forepaws and hind feet, irrespective of the sex and age of the host. E. perilis were also found on the scrota1 region of breeding bucks. The numbers of each species of flea per rabbit built up through the summer and autumn months to peak in March. The seasonal patterns of increase and decrease were generally similar for each flea species. There were always more female than male fleas. The female : male ratios were lowest when flea numbers were high. Female E. myrmecobii were more commonly found on the head region of both male and female rabbits, whereas female E. perilis were more common on the hind feet of rabbits. Female rabbits were more heavily infested by both E. myrmecobii and E. perilis than were males.
© CSIRO 1979