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Australian Journal of Zoology Australian Journal of Zoology Society
Evolutionary, molecular and comparative zoology

Reproduction in the mosaic-tailed rat, Melomys cervinipes (Rodentia :Muridae)

JM Taylor and BE Horner

Australian Journal of Zoology 18(2) 171 - 184
Published: 1970


The mosaic-tailed rat, M. cervinipes, is usually an abundant murid where it occurs in the northern regions of Australia. It is an inhabitant of the forests and their fringe associations and is semi-arboreal. Although the annual reproductive performance is unknown, breeding occurs at least in late spring and summer in more southern areas of its distribution and extends into autumn and winter farther north. Litter size ranges from two to four. The nipple-clinging behaviour of the young appears to be of selective advantage as an escape mechanism. Description of the histology of the gonads and accessory sex glands is given for juveniles, breeding adults, and sexually quiescent adults. M. cervinipes is polyoestrous and a spontaneous ovulator and may experience a post-partum oestrus. Melomys is not known to occur in plague proportions in its native habitat; its mode of reproduction favours a prolonged and modest contribution of young within a breeding period.

© CSIRO 1970

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