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Australian Journal of Zoology Australian Journal of Zoology Society
Evolutionary, molecular and comparative zoology

Studies on Australian Muscidae (Diptera) III. A revison of the genera with a facial carina

AC Pont

Australian Journal of Zoology 17(5) 919 - 960
Published: 1969


Australian Muscidae with a facial carina are revised. Keys to genera and species are given, with illustrations of characters of diagnostic and systematic importance, and all taxa are fully described, with details of previously unknown sexes and immature stages. The Oriental genus Rhynchomydaea Malloch is redefined, and a redescription given of the type species tuberculifacies Stein (syn. Graphomyia luteicornis Senior-White, syn. nov.). Hennigiola, gen. nov., is erected for Spilogaster setulifera Stein (syn. Rhynchomydaea australis Malloch, syn. nov.) from Australia. Beccimyia papuana, gen. et sp. nov., is described from New Guinea. The Australian genus Prohardyia, nom. nov. (syn. Hardyia Malloch nec Walcott), is revised, and the new species macalpinei, sp. nov., and fungorum, sp. nov., are described. All four genera are assigned provisionally to the subfamily Phaoniinae, tribe Phaoniini.

© CSIRO 1969

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