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Australian Journal of Zoology Australian Journal of Zoology Society
Evolutionary, molecular and comparative zoology

Reproduction in a laboratory colony of the marsupial mouse Sminthopsis larapinta (Mardupialia : Dasyuridae)

GK Godfrey

Australian Journal of Zoology 17(4) 637 - 654
Published: 1969


A laboratory colony of S. larapinta was established with three females and four males received from north-western Queensland. Over a period of two and a half years 109 young were born and second-generation descendants were produced. In the third breeding season oestrous cycles were irregular and, in the few instances where copulation was recorded, this was associated with almost 100% prenatal mortality. The colony became extinct without the cause being definitely established. In Adelaide S. larapinta had a well-defined breeding season with all females either pregnant or in oestrus from July to February. From March until June all the females were in anoestrus. The males produced sperm throughout the year. A technique was developed for determining the length of the oestrous cycle, based upon the incidence of epithelial cells in the urine. S. larapinta is polyoestrous, with a mean cycle length of 26.25±0.5 days. Gestation occupies 12.5 days, and a maximum of eight young remain in the pouch, attached to the teats, for 40 days. They are suckled in the nest for a further 30 days. Weaning takes place at 70 days, and the young females come into oestrus from 4 months of age onwards. Twenty female reproductive tracts were sectioned and examined and the anatomy and histology described briefly. The mean number of ova shed per ovulation was 30.6 (n = 12) with one instance of 40. The corpora lutea are formed rapidly, and reach their maximum size towards the end of pregnancy. They have completely regressed by the seventh week of lactation. The young are born through a pseudovaginal canal which extends from the median vagina to the urogenital sinus. This closes within 24-48 hr of parturition. The high "pre-pouch" and litter mortality observed during this study is discussed.

© CSIRO 1969

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