A re-examination ot the mecopteroid and orthopteroid fossils (insecta) from the Triassic beds at Denmark Hill, Queensland, with discriptions of further specimens.
EF Riek
Australian Journal of Zoology
4(1) 98 - 110
Published: 1956
This paper interrelates the species of mecopteroid and orthopteroid insects (excluding Blattaria), described in the literature, from the Triassic beds at Denmark Hill, Queensland. The affinities of a number of the species are considered to be very different from those proposed in the original descriptions. A new genus of Planipennia and another of Gryllacrididae (Orthoptera) and a new species of Perlaria are described. The order Paratrichoptera Tillyard is relegated to family rank within the suborder Eumecoptera.https://doi.org/10.1071/ZO9560098
© CSIRO 1956