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Australian Journal of Zoology Australian Journal of Zoology Society
Evolutionary, molecular and comparative zoology

Studies in functional and analytical graniology. 3. The Breviarcuate skull and its analysis.

R Tucker

Australian Journal of Zoology 2(3) 399 - 411
Published: 1954


The functional analysis of the breviarcuate skull is based on the cranium of the dog. The tri-triangular structure of the breviarcuate skull is exposed on the level of the palatine bone to the stresses initiated by the masseter. The morphofunctional relations of the palatine bone to the zygomatic arch are discussed and analysed in detail. The most important functional crossroads of the stresses in the breviarcuate skull are the temporal, maxillary, premaxillary, supraorbital, and interparieto-occipital nodes. The vectors which originate directly or indirectly from the masticatory musculature flow through the bony tracts whose pattern bears no relation to that of the individual bones which make up the skull. The following tracts are described: maxillo-premaxillary (the alveolar process), premaxillo-supraorbital, supraorbito-squamosal, interparieto-occipitosquamosal and occipito-interparieto-supraorbital. The morphofunctional connections of this skull and its functional and structural importance are described and discussed.

© CSIRO 1954

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