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Australian Journal of Zoology Australian Journal of Zoology Society
Evolutionary, molecular and comparative zoology

Distribution and identity of species in the Antechinus stuartiiA. flavipes group (Marsupialia : Dasyuridae) in south-eastern Australia

J. Sumner and C. R. Dickman

Australian Journal of Zoology 46(1) 27 - 41
Published: 1998


This study describes genetical differences between three morphologically similar species of Antechinus in south-eastern Australia, and uses the climatic model BIOCLIM to clarify their expected geographical distributions. Allozyme electrophoresis revealed Nei’s distances of >0.2 between A. flavipes and A. stuartii and A. flavipes and A. agilis, the latter a newly recognised species in south-eastern Australia. Fixed allele differences were determined in five proteins between A. stuartii and A. flavipes from an area of sympatry in northern New South Wales, confirming their genetic distinctness. A smaller distance (0.08) separated A. stuartii from A. agilis, but fixed allele differences in albumin and mannose phosphate isomerase distinguished these species clearly. Locality records for the three species were compiled from the electrophoretic results, museum specimen records and published data, and used to generate expected distributions for each species. A. flavipes is predicted to occur primarily in warm, inland areas of south- eastern Australia with a mean annual rainfall of 785 mm, but to occur along the coast in South Australia and southern Queensland. In contrast, the distributions of A. stuartii and A. agilis are predicted to be broadly coastal, with the former occurring in northern New South Wales and southern Queensland in areas with high mean annual rainfall (1430 mm) and temperature (16.0°C), the latter in southern New South Wales and Victoria in cooler areas (11.8°C annual mean) with intermediate rainfall (1071 mm). Sympatry appears to be limited between A. flavipes and its two congeners; A. stuartii and A. agilis are predicted to be parapatric with only two small areas of overlap being evident.

© CSIRO 1998

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