Roosting and thermoregulatory behaviour of male Gould’s long-eared bats, Nyctophilus gouldi: energetic benefits of thermally unstable tree roosts
Christopher TurbillCentre for Behavioural and Physiological Ecology, Zoology, University of New England, Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia. Email:
Australian Journal of Zoology 54(1) 57-60
Submitted: 6 November 2005 Accepted: 5 January 2006 Published: 23 March 2006
Information about the thermal biology of bats in relation to their roosting behaviour is scant. I used temperature telemetry to locate roosts and record the thermoregulatory behaviour of male long-eared bats, Nyctophilus gouldi (9 g), during late spring in the Northern Tablelands of New South Wales. Bats roosted under bark and in tree cavities, where they typically experienced wide daily fluctuations in ambient temperature (Ta). On 13 out of 16 days, bats employed two torpor bouts per day, during the early morning and late afternoon, coinciding with times of low Ta. Heating of roosts during the day resulted in up to 20°C of passive re-warming before active arousal and provided high Ta around midday when bats were normothermic. By switching between torpor and normothermic thermoregulation according to the daily Ta cycle, male N. gouldi appear to gain an energetic advantage from choosing poorly insulated and often sun-exposed roosts.
I thank Fritz Geiser for project support and critical comments on the manuscript. This study followed procedures approved by the Animal Ethics Committee of the University of New England and was supported by the Australian Research Council and an Australian Postgraduate Award.
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