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Wildlife Research Wildlife Research Society
Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats
Wildlife Research

Wildlife Research

Volume 44 Number 4 2017

WR17011Patterns of human–crocodile conflict in Queensland: a review of historical estuarine crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) management

M. L. Brien, C. M. Gienger, C. A. Browne, M. A. Read, M. J. Joyce and S. Sullivan
pp. 281-290

Effective management of estuarine crocodiles in Queensland is essential for ensuring public safety. This study aimed to improve our knowledge of human–crocodile conflict in Queensland and how this has changed over time. By understanding historical trends, we provide the basis for improved crocodile management into the future.

WR16228Animal detections vary among commonly used camera trap models

Michael M. Driessen, Peter J. Jarman, Shannon Troy and Sophia Callander
pp. 291-297
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Camera traps are widely used in wildlife surveys but assessing their limitations is important. We compared the efficacy of four camera models to detect mammals and birds and found that detections varied between models and that all camera models failed to detect a substantial proportion of animal visits. Variation in camera performance needs to be taken into consideration when designing or comparing camera surveys, especially if multiple models are used.

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Commercial pine plantations in the Mpumalanga region of South Africa are experiencing escalating levels of baboon-caused damage, and no effective control measures have been found to date. The ecological-risk model presented herein indicates that susceptibility to baboon damage is determined by pine stand characteristics and unrelated to the surrounding environment. The present study allows for the quantification of the potential risk posed by baboon damage towards the development of an effective integrated management strategy. Photograph by M. E. Light.

WR16164Identifying key denning habitat to conserve brown bear (Ursus arctos) in Croatia

A. Whiteman, G. Passoni, J. M. Rowcliffe, D. Ugarković, J. Kusak, S. Reljić and D. Huber
pp. 309-315
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Understanding brown bear denning preferences can be a valuable tool to increase the effectiveness of conservation interventions. Our study found that both environmental and anthropogenic factors predict den habitat suitability in Croatia. The identification of particularly valuable variables can direct management efforts aimed at preserving sensitive habitat.

WR16215Investigating brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) home-range size determinants in a New Zealand native forest

K. S. Richardson, C. Rouco, C. Jewell, N. P. French, B. M. Buddle and D. M. Tompkins
pp. 316-323
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After more than 50 years of studying brushtail possums in Australia and New Zealand, we still do not have a clear understanding of their home-range dynamics. By using a large trapping dataset in the Orongorongo Valley, we found that in addition to density, age and sex are consistent determinants of possum home-range size. This finding suggests that males, owing to their behaviour, may be the primary drivers of TB transmission in possum wild population.

WR16219Where do Norway rats live? Movement patterns and habitat selection in livestock farms in Argentina

Daniela P. Montes de Oca, Rosario Lovera and Regino Cavia
pp. 324-333
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Knowledge about the ecological requirements of Norway rats in livestock farms is necessary to improve management actions on this pest and consequently decrease animal and human health risk. We present a fine-scale description of habitat use and movement patterns of this species. Control effort should be placed near animal and food sheds, water sources, and in sites that provide refuge. Photographs by D. P. Montes de Oca and R. Lovera.

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Bird activity in vineyards can reduce or enhance crop yields. We examined the effectiveness of providing artificial perches to encourage predatory birds into vineyards to scare grape-eating species. Grapevines near perches received >50% less damage than control sites, possibly owing to the presence of Australian magpies (Cracticus tibicen). Therefore, perches are a potentially useful approach to reducing damage to grape crops. Photograph by Rebecca K. Peisley.

WR17004Public willingness to participate in actions for crow management

Natalija Špur, Boštjan Pokorny and Andrej Šorgo
pp. 343-353
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Public participation in wildlife management is needed for understanding and reducting human–wildlife conflicts. We investigated which factors affect the public willingness to participate in crow management, and found that the moderator variable education had the highest impact. By educating about skills for participation in crow management and about importance to participate, we can change public attitudes and beliefs, and convince public to help in crow management.

WR15177Amphibian reproductive success as a gauge of functional equivalency of created wetlands in the Central Appalachians

Gabriel F. Strain, Philip J. Turk, Jordan Helmick and James T. Anderson
pp. 354-364

Wetland creation is a common tool used to offset wetland losses, but do created wetlands provide natural wetland functions, such as providing habitat for the successful breeding of amphibians? In this study we compared the reproductive success of amphibians in created wetlands and found that it was similar to natural wetlands. These results suggest that created wetlands may provide adequate wildlife habitat and thus may function similar to natural wetlands.

WR16133Drivers of change in the relative abundance of dugongs in New Caledonia

C. Cleguer, C. Garrigue, M. M. P. B. Fuentes, Y. Everingham, R. Hagihara, M. Hamann, C. Payri and H. Marsh
pp. 365-376
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Sound understanding of trends in wildlife populations is required for assessing their status and for effective conservation and management. The aim of this study was to update information on the current size of the isolated dugong population of New Caledonia. While the latest estimates show a stabilisation of the dugong population at the low thousand, the study highlights the importance of replicating baseline surveys to enable robust interpretation of temporal variation in population size estimates.

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