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Wildlife Research Wildlife Research Society
Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats
Wildlife Research

Wildlife Research

Volume 43 Number 2 2016

WR15053Successional changes in feeding activity by threatened cockatoos in revegetated mine sites

Tim S. Doherty, Briana N. Wingfield, Vicki L. Stokes, Michael D. Craig, Jessica G. H. Lee, Hugh C. Finn and Michael C. Calver
pp. 93-104
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Threatened cockatoos in the jarrah forest of Western Australia have a wide range, so their conservation requires support from all land tenures, not just reserves. We surveyed cockatoo feeding activity in revegetation at three mine sites and found that the food species used by cockatoos changed with revegetation age. Monitoring fauna recolonisation over appropriate time scales is essential to understanding how successional processes influence population persistence of fauna in production landscapes. Photograph by Tim Doherty.

WR15071Priorities for management of chytridiomycosis in Australia: saving frogs from extinction

Lee F. Skerratt, Lee Berger, Nick Clemann, Dave A. Hunter, Gerry Marantelli, David A. Newell, Annie Philips, Michael McFadden, Harry B. Hines, Ben C. Scheele, Laura A. Brannelly, Rick Speare, Stephanie Versteegen, Scott D. Cashins and Matt West
pp. 105-120
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Frog populations crashed after the arrival of the amphibian chytrid fungus in Australia in the late 1970s, and six species are likely to be extinct. Six other frog species that have persisted despite high rates of death are now on the brink, and a seventh species is predicted to collapse. Increased resources and urgent action could save these seven species, but amphibian conservation is being neglected in Australia. Photograph: critically endangered Pseudophryne pengilleyi (northern corroboree frog) from alpine NSW, by Michael McFadden, Taronga Zoo.

WR15220Fire and grass cover influence occupancy patterns of rare rodents and feral cats in a mountain refuge: implications for management

Peter J. McDonald, Alistair Stewart, Andrew T. Schubert, Catherine E. M. Nano, Chris R. Dickman and Gary W. Luck
pp. 121-129

Feral cats (Felis catus) are implicated in the decline of Australian mammals and new research suggests that predation risk from feral cats could be managed by manipulating fire regimes. We investigated the role of fire history in the occurrence of feral cats and rare rodents, including the critically endangered central rock-rat (Zyzomys pedunculatus), in a mountain refuge in central Australia. Our results suggest that fire management could be used as a tool for rodent conservation in arid Australia.

WR15196Identification of kill sites from GPS clusters for jaguars (Panthera onca) in the southern Pantanal, Brazil

Eric M. Gese, Patricia A. Terletzky and Sandra M. C. Cavalcanti
pp. 130-139
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Understanding predation patterns of jaguars is needed for their future conservation. We examined variables influencing the ability to categorise GPS location clusters of jaguars into kills and non-kill sites; the dispersion of points around the cluster, the number of nights at the cluster and the time spent at the cluster were most influential. This analysis should assist field studies of jaguar predation in Central and South America. Photograph by Sandra Cavalcanti.

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Control techniques that target red foxes will be required in the event of future red fox incursions into Tasmania. To understand the efficacy of future control and eradication strategies we assessed the theoretical risk of current and emerging fox control techniques on non-target species in Tasmania. Our findings clarified the risk and highlighted the need for further research into the susceptibility of non-target species to existing and emerging control techniques. Photograph by Matthew Pauza.

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Studies of habitat suitability in disturbed landscapes comparing species traits can improve the management of threatened species. We radio-tracked Nyctophilus corbeni to small maternity colonies in hollows and fissures of typically small, dead trees. Areas of high stem density, especially those containing dead trees, provided key roosting habitat and is likely to be a significant factor explaining the species rarity.

WR15133Control of the red fox in remnant forest habitats

Alison L. Towerton, Christopher R. Dickman, Rodney P. Kavanagh and Trent D. Penman
pp. 169-177

Foxes need to be controlled to protect native and domestic species, and this comes at great cost to private and public land managers. Assessments of baiting programs can assist in improving their effectiveness and long-term outcomes. Here, we describe spatial and temporal patterns in bait uptake by foxes that suggest high levels of caching, and recommend larger distances between baits and longer periods of baiting to improve control outcomes.

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Fenced reserves commonly reintroduce charismatic fauna such as brown hyaena for ecotourism purposes, however the monitoring of elusive reintroduced species is often sporadic. Through the use of an intensive camera trapping survey, we determined the brown hyaena population at Kwandwe Private Game Reserve had increased by at least 367% in 10 years since reintroduction, and currently represents the highest density recorded for this species in southern Africa. If this pattern is consistent across fenced reserves, they may provide surplus animals to support reintroductions and provide protected populations to buffer the risk of species extinction.

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