Wildlife Research
Volume 33 Number 7 2006
WR05096Population ecology of Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) and interference competition with Pacific rats (R. exulans) on Raoul Island, New Zealand
Grant Harper and Dick Veitch
pp. 539-548
WR05004Should the 40-year-old practice of releasing virulent myxoma virus to control rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) be continued?
D. Berman, P. J. Kerr, R. Stagg, B. H. van Leeuwen and T. Gonzalez
pp. 549-556
WR04080Assessing detection probabilities for the endangered growling grass frog (Litoria raniformis) in southern Victoria
Geoffrey W. Heard, Peter Robertson and Michael P. Scroggie
pp. 557-564
WR05063Distance from cover affects artificial food-patch depletion by macropod herbivores
Geoffrey M. While and Clare McArthur
pp. 565-570
WR04108Does resource availability govern vertical stratification of small mammals in an Australian lowland tropical rainforest?
R. Rader and A. Krockenberger
pp. 571-576
WR04117Three-dimensional use of space by a tropical rainforest rodent, Melomys cervinipes, and its implications for foraging and home-range size
Romina Rader and Andrew Krockenberger
pp. 577-582
WR05115Do wildlife warning reflectors elicit aversion in captive macropods?
Daniel Ramp and David B. Croft
pp. 583-590
WR05017Comparison of foraging behaviour of small, urban-sensitive insectivores in continuous woodland and woodland remnants in a suburban landscape
P. Hodgson, K. French and R. E. Major
pp. 591-603
WR06055Benefits and feasibility of local elimination of possum populations
D. R. Morgan, G. Nugent and B. Warburton
pp. 605-614