Wildlife Research
Volume 26 Number 2 1999
WR98024Seasonal variation in the diet of
New Zealand fur seals (Arctocephalus forsteri )
at Otago Peninsula, New Zealand
Nyree I. Fea, Robert Harcourt and Chris Lalas
pp. 147-160
WR98025The short-term effect of cane toads (Bufo marinus ) on native fauna in the Gulf Country of the Northern Territory
P. C. Catling, A. Hertog, R. J. Burt, R. I. Forrester and J. C. Wombey
pp. 161-185
WR98020Long-term dynamics of a rodent community in an Australian tropical rainforest
George Heinsohn and Robert Heinsohn
pp. 187-198
WR98021Feeding behaviour of the yellow-bellied glider (Petaurus australis ) at the western edge of its range
Susan M. Carthew, Ross L. Goldingay and Darryl L. Funnell
pp. 199-208
WR97001Survival of brown kiwi exposed to 1080 poison used for control of brushtail possums in Northland, New Zealand
H. A. Robertson, R. M. Colbourne, P. Graham, P. J. Miller and R. J. Pierce
pp. 209-214
WR95037Macropod studies at Wallaby Creek. X. Responses of eastern grey kangaroos to cattle
Alison L. Payne and Peter J. Jarman
pp. 215-225
WR97091Analysis of the impact of stoats, Mustela erminea , on northern brown kiwi, Apteryx mantelli , in New Zealand
B. Basse, J. A. McLennan and G. C. Wake
pp. 227-237
WR96002Development of the bridled nailtail wallaby, Onychogalea fraenata , and age estimation of the pouch young
P. M. Johnson and J. K. Hendrikz
pp. 239-249