Wildlife Research
Volume 25 Number 4 1998
WR97095Home range and microhabitat use by the long-footed potoroo, Potorous longipes
K. Green, A. T. Mitchell and P. Tennant
pp. 357-372
WR98001A comparison of cane toad and native tadpoles as predators of native anuran eggs, hatchlings and larvae
Michael R. Crossland
pp. 373-381
WR97029The effect of manipulating population density on the probability of den-sharing among common brushtail possums, and the implications for transmission of bovine tuberculosis
P. Caley, N. J. Spencer, R. A. Cole and M. G. Efford
pp. 383-392
WR97123Aerial survey methodology and the cost of control for feral goats in Western Queensland
A. R. Pople, T. F. Clancy, J. A. Thompson and S. Boyd-Law
pp. 393-407
WR97069Secondary poisoning of stoats (Mustela erminea ) at low mouse (Mus musculus ) abundance in a New Zealand Nothofagus forest
K. P. Brown, N. Alterio and H. Moller
pp. 419-426
WR97035The oral and dermal toxicity of selected chemicals to brown tree snakes (Boiga irregularis )
Joe E. Brooks, Peter J. Savarie and John J. Johnston
pp. 427-435
WR97118Ecological traits of commercially harvested water monitors, Varanus salvator , in northern Sumatra
Richard Shine, Ambariyanto, Peter S. Harlow and Mumpuni
pp. 437-447