Wildlife Research
Volume 23 Number 5 1996
WR9960531Use of Nest Trees by the Mountain Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus Caninus) (Phalangeridae: Marsupialia). Ii. Characteristics of Occupied Trees.
DB Lindenmayer, A Welsh, CF Donnelly and RB Cunningham
pp. 531-545
WR9960557Waterbird surveys of the Middle Fly River floodplain, Pap New Guinea
SA Halse, GB Pearson, RP Jaensch, P Kulmoi, P Gregory, WR Kay and AW Storey
pp. 557-569
WR9960571Trials of electric fencing for restricting movements of common brushtail possums, Trichosurus vulpecula Kerr
BK Clapperton and LR Matthews
pp. 571-579
WR9960581Dingoes in Queensland, Australia: skull dimensions and the indenity of wild canids
PF Woodall, P Pavlov and KL Twyford
pp. 581-587
WR9960621A Safe and Selective Draw-String Trap to Capture Kangaroos Moving Under Fences.
G Coulson
pp. 621-627