Wildlife Research
Volume 22 Number 3 1995
WR9950289Some demographics of the extirpation from the wild of eastern barred bandicoots (Perameles gunni) in 1988-91, near Hamilton, Victoria, Australia
TW Clark, JP Gibbs and PW Goldstraw
pp. 289-297
WR9950299Spatial Organisation of Urban Feral Cats (Felis Catus) in Jerusalem.
V Mirmovitch
pp. 299-310
WR9950311The Parasites Recorded From Trichosurus Species (Marsupialia: Phalangeridae).
KL Viggers and DM Spratt
pp. 311-332
WR9950333Diet of the Common Wombat, Vombatus Ursinus, in Plantations of Pinus Radiata.
C Rishworth, JC Mcilroy and MT Tanton
pp. 333-339
WR9950359Distribution of Nocturnal Forest Birds and Mammals in North-Eastern New South Wales: Relationships With Environmental Variables and Management History.
RP Kavanagh, S Debus, T Tweedie and R Webster
pp. 359-377