Wildlife Research
Volume 21 Number 2 1994
WR9940131Responses of lizards to three experiments fires in the savanna forests of Kakadu National Park
CR Trainor and JCZ Woinarski
pp. 131-147
WR9940149The distribution and abundance of the dugong in Shark Bay, Western Australia
H Marsh, RIT Prince, WK Saafeld and R Shepherd
pp. 149-161
WR9940163Organochlorine Pesticide Contamination in Three Species of Raptor and Their Prey in South Australia.
ID Falkenberg, TE Dennis and BD Williams
pp. 163-173
WR9940175A field study of Pseudocheirus occidentalis (Marsupialia : Petauridae) I. Distribution and Habitat
BA Jones, RA How and DJ Kitchener
pp. 175-187
WR9940189A field study of Pseudocheirus occidentalis (Marsupialia : Petauridae) II. Population studies
BA Jones, RA How and DJ Kitchener
pp. 189-201
WR9940203Demographic variation and range contraction in the northern quoll, Dasyurus hallucatus (MArsupialia : Dasyuridae).
RW Braithwaite and AD Griffiths
pp. 203-217
WR9940241Photographic identification of ground-nest predators in Australian tropical rainforest
WF Laurance and JD Grant
pp. 241-247